Журнал французского национального института демографических

En français
Volume 78, 2023
Numéro 1
Par Damien Bricard, Géraldine Duthé,
Delphine Remillon
Data paper
Trajectoires et Origines 2019-2020 (TeO2) : présentation d’une
enquête sur la diversité des populations en France
Par Cris Beauchemin, Mathieu Ichou, Patrick Simon, et le groupe
de conception de l’enquête TeO2
« On fait juste attention. » La mesure du retrait comme méthode
contraceptive dans les enquêtes en France depuis les années
Par Cécile Thomé
Les relations LAT ou living apart together : 40 ans de recherches sociodémographiques
Par Christophe Giraud
Des pères absents? Saisir la diversité du non-recours
au congé de paternité à partir de méthodes
Par Alix Sponton
Les enfants n’ayant jamais été scolarisés : comment
l’hétérogénéité régionale
conditionne l’accès à l’enseignement primaire
en Ouganda
Par Christian Kakuba, Valérie Golaz, traduit par Céline
Bibliographie critique
Catherine Cavalin, Emmanuel Henry, Jean-Noël Jouzel, Jérôme
Pélisse (dir.), 2020, Cent ans de sous-reconnaissance des
maladies professionnelles, Presses des Mines, Collection Sciences
sociales, 294 p.
Par Émilie Counil
Anastasia Christou et Eleonore Kofman, 2022, Gender and Migration, Springer,
IMISCOE Research Series, 123 p.
Par Damien Trawalé
Olga Penina, 2022, Regional mortality disparities in the Republic of Moldova.
Par Florian Bonnet
Irène Théry, 2022, Moi aussi. Une nouvelle civilité sexuelle,
Seuil, Sciences humaines, 408 p.
Par Hélène Malmanche
In English
Volume 78, 2023
Number 1
By Damien Bricard, Géraldine Duthé, Delphine
Data Paper
Trajectories and Origins 2 (2019–2020): A Survey on Population
Diversity in France
By Cris Beauchemin, Mathieu Ichou, Patrick Simon, the TeO2 survey
design team, translated by Catriona Dutreuilh
‘We’re Just Careful’: How Surveys Have Measured Use
of the Withdrawal Method in France Since the 1970s
By Cécile Thomé, translated by Beatrice van Hoorn
Living Apart Together: 40 Years of Sociodemographic Research on LAT Relationships
By Christophe Giraud, translated by Catriona Dutreuilh
Reluctant Fathers? A Mixed-Methods Approach to Grasp the Diversity of Mechanisms
Behind Paternity Leave Non-Take-Up
By Alix Sponton, translated by Catriona Dutreuilh
Children Who Have Never Gone to School: How Regional Heterogeneity Shapes Access
to Primary Education in Uganda
By Christian Kakuba, Valérie Golaz
Book Reviews
Catherine Cavalin, Emmanuel Henry, Jean-Noël Jouzel, and Jérôme
Pélisse (eds.), Cent ans de sous-reconnaissance des maladies
professionnelles [A Century of Under-recognition of Occupational
Diseases], Presses des Mines, 2020, 294 pages.
By Émilie Counil, translated by Paul Reeve
Anastasia Christou and Eleonore Kofman, Gender and Migration: IMISCOE Short
Reader, Springer, 2022, 123 pages.
By Damien Trawalé, translated by Paul Reeve
Olga Penina, Regional Mortality Disparities in the Republic of Moldova. Centrul
Editorial-Poligrafic Medicina, 2022, 116 pages.
By Florian Bonnet, translated by Paul Reeve
Irène Théry, Moi aussi: Une nouvelle civilité sexuelle
[Me Too: A New Sexual Civility], Seuil, 2022, 408 pages.
By Hélène Malmanche, translated by Paul Reeve
Number 2
Surveying French Public Opinion on Declining Birth Rates: The 1942 Natalité
By Damien Bricard, Géraldine Duthé, Delphine Remillon
Surveying Public Opinion about Declining Birth Rates in France: The
Enquête Natalité of 1942
By Antoine Prost, translated by Catriona Dutreuilh
Testing Social Representations of Large Families and Childbearing: A 1942 Survey
To Assess a Pronatalist Policy
By Virginie De Luca Barrusse, translated by Catriona Dutreuilh
The Carrel Foundation’s 1942 Survey on Declining Birth Rates: A Biopolitical
Snapshot of France at a Demographic Turning Point
By Fabrice Cahen, Paul-André Rosental, translated by
Beatrice van Hoorn Alkema
The Omission of Young Children in the French Census: What Can Linked Census
Data Reveal?
By John Tomkinson
Time Spent Without a Cohabiting Partner: An Analysis Across Cohorts in France
By Nicolas Rebie?re, Nicolas Cauchi-Duval, Lyem Britah, Zoé
Deloeil, Ine?s Munoz-Bertrand, Axel Redonnet, Margaux Tocqueville,
translated by Catriona Dutreuilh
Research note
School-Entry Cut-off Date and Birth Timing: No Evidence of Shifting in Spain
By Manuel T. Valdés, Miguel Requena
Book reviews
James Belich, The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe.
Princeton University Press, 2022, 640 pages
By Magali Barbieri, translated by Paul Reeve
Stephen William Berry, Count the Dead: Coroners, Quants, and the Birth of Death
as We Know It. University of North Carolina Press, 2022, 140 pages
By Lionel Kesztenbaum, translated by Paul Reeve
Catherine Cavalin, Jaércio Da Silva, Pauline Delage, Irène Despontin
Lefèvre, Delphine Lacombe, and Bibia Pavard (eds.), Les violences
sexistes après #MeToo [Gender-Based Violence After #MeToo].
Presses des Mines, 2022, 248 pages. https://books.openedition.org/pressesmines/8223
By Mamaye Idriss, translated by Paul Reeve
Jérôme Courduriès, Christine Dourlens, and Laurence Hérault
(eds.), État civil et transidentité: Anatomie d’une
relation singulière [Vital Records and Transidentity: Anatomy
of a Singular Relationship]. Presses universitaires de Provence,
2021, 306 pages
By Hélène Malmanche, translated by Paul Reeve
Daniel Courgeau, Understanding Human Life: A Methodological and Interdisciplinary
Approach. Springer, 2022, 261 pages
By Éva Lelièvre, translated by Paul Reeve
Marion Tillous (ed.), Espace, genre et violences conjugales: ce que révèle
la crise de la Covid-19 [Space, Gender, and Conjugal Violence: What
the COVID-19 Crisis Tells Us]. Presses universitaires de Vincennes,
2022, 160 pages
By Corinne Nativel, translated by Paul Reeve