Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

№ 837 - 838
2 - 15 декабря 2019

ISSN 1726-2887

первая полоса

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читальный зал приложения обратная связь доска объявлений


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World Population Ageing 2019

Health at a glance 2019

«Пригородная революция» в региональном срезе: периферийные городские территории на постсоветском пространстве

HIV/AIDs surveillance in Europe 2019

Общая заболеваемость взрослого населения России в 2018 году

По страницам журналов «Народонаселение» и «Общество и экономика»

Содержание журнала «Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies»

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Web demoscope.ru


OECD Indicators

Paris, OECD Publishing, 2019, 243 pages


Зарегистрированное потребление алкоголя среди взрослых, 2007 г. и 2017 г. (или ближайший год) (стр. 91)

Избыточный вес, включая ожирение среди детей 5-9 лет по полу, 2016 г. (стр. 99)

В очередном издании 2019 года "Health at a Glance" представлены сопоставимые показатели здоровья населения и эффективности системы здравоохранения в странах-членах ОЭСР, странах-кандидатах и странах-партнерах. В публикации приводятся последние сопоставимые данные по 80 показателям, отражающим различия между странами в состоянии здоровья, факторах риска и поведении, связанном со здоровьем, доступе и качестве медицинской помощи, а также финансовых и физических ресурсах, доступных для здравоохранения. Наряду с анализом показателей-индикаторов, в обзорной главе обобщены сравнительные показатели и основные тенденции по странам, в том числе то, сколько расходов на здравоохранение связано с уровнем укомплектованности персоналом, доступом, качеством и результатами в отношении здоровья.

Table of contents

Executive summary

Reader's guide

Chapter 1. Indicator overview: comparative performance of countries and major trends

Health status
Risk factors for health
Access to care
Quality of care
Health care resources
To what extent does health spending translate into better access, quality and health outcomes, and more health professionals?

Chapter 2. Measuring what matters for people-centred health systems

A people-centred health system needs to measure what matters to patients
Joint replacement rates are rising but are patients reporting improvement?
Better information on breast cancer care outcomes helps patients facing difficult treatment choices
Existing mental health measures say little about experiences and outcomes of care

Chapter 3. Health status

Trends in life expectancy
Life expectancy by sex and education level
Main causes of mortality
Avoidable mortality (preventable and treatable)
Mortality from circulatory diseases
Cancer incidence and mortality
Chronic disease morbidity
Infant health
Mental health
Self-rated health

Chapter 4. Risk factors for health

Smoking among adults
Alcohol consumption among adults
Opioids use
Diet and physical activity among adults
Overweight and obesity among adults
Overweight and obesity among children
Air pollution and extreme temperatures

Chapter 5. Access to care

Population coverage for health care
Extent of health care coverage
Use of primary care services
Unmet need for health care
Financial hardship and out-of-pocket expenditure
Geographic distribution of doctors
Waiting times for elective surgery

Chapter 6. Quality and outcomes of care

Safe primary care - prescribing
Safe acute care - surgical complications and health care-associated infections
Safe acute care - obstetric trauma
Avoidable hospital admissions
Diabetes care
Mortality following ischaemic stroke
Mortality following acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
Hip and knee surgery
Care for people with mental health disorders
Breast cancer outcomes
Screening and survival for colorectal cancer
Survival for other major cancers
Patient experiences of ambulatory care

Chapter 7. Health expenditure

Health expenditure per capita
Health expenditure in relation to GDP
Prices in the health sector
Health expenditure by financing scheme
Public funding of health spending
Health expenditure by type of service
Health expenditure by provider
Capital expenditure in the health sector
Projections of health expenditure

Chapter 8. Health workforce

Health and social care workforce
Doctors (overall number)
Doctors (by age, sex and category)
Remuneration of doctors (general practitioners and specialists)
Remuneration of nurses
Medical graduates
Nursing graduates
International migration of doctors and nurses

Chapter 9. Health care activities

Consultations with doctors
Medical technologies
Hospital beds and discharge rates
Average length of stay in hospitals
Hip and knee replacement
Caesarean sections
Ambulatory surgery

Chapter 10. Pharmaceutical sector

Pharmaceutical expenditure
Pharmacists and pharmacies
Pharmaceutical consumption
Generics and biosimilars
Research and development in the pharmaceutical sector

Chapter 11. Ageing and long-term care

Demographic trends
Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at age 65
Self-rated health and disability at age 65 and over
Safe prescribing in older populations
Safe long-term care
Recipients of long-term care
Informal carers
Long-term care workers
Long-term beds in facilities and hospitals
Long-term care spending and unit costs

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ISSN 1726-2887

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