New York, United Nations, 2017, 152 pages
В данном издании особое внимание уделяется использованию
переписей населения и жилищного фонда в качестве источника информации,
так как данные по статистике международной миграции может быть получены
и из других источников информации, таких как регистры населения,
административные источники и выборочные обследования. Хотя гармонизация
статистики миграции остается далекой целью, подавляющее большинство
стран мира проводят перепись населения и жилищного фонда не реже
одного раза в десять лет, и переписи населения являются наиболее
доступным источником статистики миграции. Данные переписей позволяют
оценивать количество мигрантов и потоки мигрантов сопоставимым на
международном уровне образом путем включения в переписной лист нескольких
В настоящем руководстве также предпринимаются попытки
сделать его как можно более всеобъемлющим, не перегружая читателя
чрезмерными подробностями, но в то же время отражая нынешнюю практику
сбора и подготовки статистических данных о международной миграции.
Поэтому там, где это уместно, приводятся примеры страновой практики,
иллюстрирующие обсуждаемые вопросы и способствующие легкому применению
рекомендаций на страновом уровне. Ожидается, что данный опыт будет
широко использоваться специалистами по подготовке данных, экспертами
по переписям и специалистами по тематике миграции населения.
Публикация состоит из девяти глав. Издание начинается
с введения концепции и определений международной миграции, применяемых
для статистического измерения.
В приложении к справочнику содержится подробная информация
о том, как можно оценить чистый коэффициент миграции с помощью переписей
Table of Contents
Introduction: The need for handbook on statistics of
international migration
A. Calls for better statistics on international migration
B. Purpose and scope of the Handbook
C. Organization of the present Handbook
1. Concepts and definitions
A. Concepts and definitions related to international migration
1. Definition of an international migrant
2. "Short-term international migrant": a misnomer?
3. The use of "immigrant" for statistical and legal/administrative
B. International migrants: flows versus stocks
1. Flows of international migrants
2. Population stocks related to international migration
2. Data sources for measuring
international migration
A. Major data sources for data on international migration
1. Population census
2. Household sample surveys
3. Administrative registers
B. Other data sources of data on international migration
1. Border collection
2. Other administrative sources
3. Key information and measurement
A. Defining characteristics
1. Defining immigrants
2. Defining emigrants
B. Distinguishing characteristics
1. Country of birth
2. Country of citizenship
3. Citizenship acquisition
4. Reason for admission into the country for immigrating foreigners
5. Status before leaving the country for emigrating foreigners
6. Purpose for emigration for emigrating citizens
7. Purpose of staying abroad for immigrating citizens
8. Country of previous or next residence
9. Country of birth of parents
C. Descriptive characteristics
4. Aspects of planning and design of the census of importance
in measuring international migration
A. Introduction
B. Aspects of planning and design of population censuses of importance
to the measurement of international migration
1. The type of population count
2. The use of sampling in the census
3. Communications and publicity campaign
4. The training of enumerators
5. The issue of confidentiality
6. The selection of topics to be included
7. The formulation of questions
8. The use of pre-coded response categories
9. Provision of questionnaire in different languages
10. Enumeration methods
11. Enumerating people in unconventional living situations
12. Issues of coverage and response
13. Processing and dissemination of the data
5. Collecting data on stocks of population related to
A. Who is eligible to be counted in the census?
B. Population stocks related to immigration
1. The stock of foreign-born persons
2. The stock of foreigners
3. The stock of returned migrants
4. The stock of second generation migrants
C. Other topics in censuses relevant to immigration
D. Proposed questions for collecting data relating to stocks of
1. For the stock of foreign-born persons
2. For the stock of foreigners
3. For the stock of returned migrants
4. For the stock of second generation migrants
6. The challenges of measuring emigration
A. Issues in measuring emigration in population censuses
B. Collecting information on emigrants through an emigration module
1. Current practices
2. How good are data obtained from emigration modules?
C. Indirect estimation of emigrant stock from a population census
D. Using immigration data from receiving countries to estimate
E. Proposed questions for collecting data relating to emigrants
1. Identification of emigrants
2. Year of departure of emigrants
3. Demographic and social characteristics of emigrants
4. Country of emigration
5. Reason for emigration
6. Residence of surviving children
7. Estimating recent migration and net international
migration from population censuses
A. Indications of recent international migration
1. Using data on place of residence at a specified time in the
2. Using the question on duration of residence and place of previous
B. Proposed questions for collecting data relating to recent migration
1. Place of residence one year ago
2. Place of residence 5 years ago
C. Estimating net migration from two censuses
1. Net international migration using intercensal component method
2. Net migration using the intercensal cohort component method
3. Net migration of foreign-born population using the intercensal
component method
8. Tabulations, statistics and indicators of international
migration obtainable from the census
A. Proposed statistics and tabulations relating to immigrant
1. Statistics and indicators relating to immigrant stocks
2. Suggested tabulations relating to immigrant stocks
B. Proposed statistics and tabulations relating to recent migration
1. Statistics relating to recent migration
2. Suggested tabulations relating to recent migration
C. Proposed statistics and tabulations relating to emigration
1. Statistics and indicators relating to emigration
2. Suggested tabulations relating to emigration
D. Proposed statistics and tabulations on net international migration
E. Degree of sub-national spatial detail
F. Dissemination strategies
9. Using international migration data from the census
with other data sources
A. Introduction
B. Considerations when using other sources of data with the census
1. Aligning concepts and definitions
2. Mechanism for cooperation among government agencies
C. Using census data with other sources of international migration
1. Border control data
2. Sample survey data
3. Population registers and other administrative sources
D. Special categories of international migrants
E. Conclusion
Appendix: Estimating net international migration from
population censuses
A. Intercensal component method
B. Intercensal cohort component method