Rambler's Top100

№ 355 - 356
1 - 14 декабря 2008

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Институт демографии Государственного университета - Высшей школы экономики

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Школьников Владимир Михайлович


Бегун А.З., Лебедев А.Д., Школьников В.М. Использование параметрической модели продолжительности жизни для географического анализа смертности от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. // Болезни сердца. Медико-демографические исследования. М., “Вненшторгиздат”, 1988.


Долгих Е.И., Захаров С.В., Школьников В.М. Демографическая ситуация в Нечерноземной зоне РСФСР. // Тезисы докладов Всесоюзной научно-практической конфеpенции. Т.3. М., ИСЭПН, 1989: 41-43.

Школьников В. Медико-географический анализ смертности за рубежом. // ВИНИТИ АН СССР. Серия “Итоги науки и техники”, том 16, 1989: 199. В соавторстве.


Школьников В. Демографические процессы в нечерноземной зоне РСФСР. // Ленинградское отделение Географического общества СССР, 1990. В соавторстве.


Вишневский А.Г., Школьников В.М., Васин С.А. Эпидемиологический переход и причины смерти в СССР. // Экономика и математические методы, 1991, т. 27, вып. 6: 1013-1019.

Школьников В. Региональные различия в смертности населения РСФСР и проблемы социально-экономического развития. // 1991.

Школьников В., Васин С. Эпидемиологический переход в зеркале региональных различий. // Экономика и математические методы, 1991, 6: 22.

Meslé F., Shkolnikov V., Vallin J. Mortality by cause in the USSR in 1970-1987: the reconstruction of time series. // Paper presented at the European Population Conference. Paris, 21-25 October 1991.

Vishnevsky A., Shkolnikov V., Vassin S. Epidemiological transition and regional contrasts. // Genus, 1991, v. XVLII, 3-4: 79-100.

Shkolnikov V.M. Regional differences in mortality in the Soviet Union and European Russia: situation in the eighties. // WHO-Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Workshop on mortality trends in Central and Eastern European Countries. Budapest, 21-22 March 1991: 13 p.


Meslé F., Shkolnikov V., Vallin J. Mortality by cause in the USSR in 1970-1987: the reconstruction of time series. // European Journal of Population, 1992, 8.

Meslé F., Shkolnikov V., Vallin J. La mortalité par causes en URSS de 1970 à 1987: reconstruction de séries statistiques cohérentes. // INED, Dossiers et Recherches, 35, Juillet 1992: 34 p.


Прохоров Б., Ревич Б., Школьников В. и др. Здоровье, смертность и продолжительность жизни. // Население России 1993. М., 1993: 34-57.


Школьников В. Смертность и продолжительность жизни. // Население России 1994. М., 1994: 101-125.

Школьников В., Милле Ф., Валлен Ж. Продолжительность жизни и смертность в России: новое наступление несчастных случаев, травм и насильственной смерти. // Рабочие доклады Центра демографии и экологии человека, вып. 15, 1994: 27 с.

Школьников В. Продолжительность жизни и смертность населения России. // Население и общество, 1994, № 2.

Shkolnikov V., Vassin S. Spatial differences in life expectancy in European Russia in the 1980s. // Demographic Trends and Patterns in the Soviet Union Before 1991. Ed. by W. Lutz, S. Scherbov and A. Volkov. Routledge, IIASA, 1994: 379-402.

Meslé F., Shkolnikov V., Vallin J. Brusque montée des mortes violentes en Russie. // Population, 1994, 3: 780-790.

Shkolnikov V., Meslé F., Vallin J. Recent trends in life expectancy and causes of death in Russia (1970-1993). // Paper presented at the workshop "Mortality and Disability in the New Independent States". Washington, 8-9 September 1994.

Shkolnikov V.M., Meslé F., Vallen J. Life expectancy and causes of death in Russia: the overview of trends in 1970-1993. // Paper, presented at the conference "Geodemography of the New Independent States", Radford University, August 1994.


Школьников В. Население России: смертность и продолжительность жизни. // Социологический журнал, 1995, 1: 167-174.

Shkolnikov V., Nemtsov A. Alcohol problems in Russia. // World Health, No 4, July-August 1995: 4.

Shkolnikov V., Meslé F., Vallin J. La crise sanitaire en Russie. // Tendances récentes de l'espérance de vie et des causes de décès en Russie de 1970 à 1993. Population, vol. 50, n°4-5: 907-943.

Shkolnikov V., Meslé F., Vallin J. La crise sanitaire en Russie. // Evolution des causes de décès : comparaison avec la France et l'Angleterre (1970-1993). Population, vol. 50, n°4-5: 945-982.

Meslé F., Shkolnikov V. La mortalité en Russie: une crise sanitaire en deux temps. // Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest. 1995, 4 (decembre): 9-24.


Школьников М., Милле Ф. Эпидемиологический кризис и смертность в России. // Российский демографический журнал, 1996, 1: 46-62.

Школьников В. Смертность и продолжительность жизни. // Демографический потенциал России. M., 1996: 90-103.

Меле Ф., Школьников В., Эртриш Э., Валлен Ж. От чего умирают люди в России и Франции ? // Население и общество. 1996, № 13. Перепечатано в: Мир России, 1997, т. 6, 4: 12-18.

Shkolnikov V. Russian health crisis of the 1990s in mortality dimensions. // Paper presented at 1996 Meeting of the Common Security Forum, Stockholm. 1996:10-11. September.

Shkolnikov V., Meslé F., Vallin J. Health crisis in Russia. // Population: An English Selection, 1996, 8: 123-190.

Shkolnikov V., Meslé F. Russian epidemiological crisis as mirrored by mortality trends. // Russia’s Demographic “Crisis”. Ed. by Julie DaVanzo. RAND Conference proceedings. RAND, Santa Monica, 1996: 113-162.


Школьников В., Розенфельд Б. Здравоохранение и кризис общественного здоровья в России. // Компъютерные технологии в медицине, 1997, 1: 18-23.

Школьников В. Здоровье населения России. // Вопросы статистики. 1997, 3: 54-58.

Leon D., Chenet L., Shkolnikov V., et al. Huge variation in Russian mortality rates 1984-1994. Artefact, alcohol or what? // The Lancet. 1997, vol.350, No.9075: 383-388.

Shkolnikov V. The Russian health crisis in mortality dimensions. // Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies. Working Paper Series, 1997,1, March.

Shkolnikov V. Unfavorable mortality trends challenge the East of Europe // International Population Conference Proceedings. Beijing, 11-17 October 1997: 475-477.

Shkolnikov V., Meslé F., Vallin J. Recent trends in life expectancy and causes of death in Russia, 1970-1993. // Premature Death in the New Independent States. Ed. by J.-L. Bobadilla, C.A. Costello, and F. Mitchell. Washington, National Academy Press, 1997: 34-65.

Shkolnikov V., Nemtsov A. Anti-alcohol campaign and variations in Russian mortality. // Premature Death in the New Independent States. Ed. by J.-L. Bobadilla, C.A. Costello, and F. Mitchell. Washington, National Academy Press, 1997: 239-261.

Shkolnikov V., Kardash A. Belarus. Russian Federation. Ukraine. // Atlas of leading and ‘avoidable’ causes of death in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. by P. Jozan and R. Prokhorskas. Hungarian CSO Publishing House. 1997.

МакКи М., Леон Д., Школьников В., Захаров С., Рахманова Г. Высокая смертность в России: что нужно сделать в первую очередь (по результатам научного проекта). // Анализ смертности населения в Российской Федерации: возможности для улучшения здоровья. Материалы международной конференции. Москва, 30 сентября - 1 октября 1997: 58-65.


Школьников В., Вишневский А. Смертность и продолжительность жизни. // Население России 1997. М., 1998: 87-105.

Leon D., Shkolnikov V. Social stress and the Russian mortality crisis. // JAMA, March 11, 1998, Vol. 279, No. 10, Editorials, p. 790-791.

Bobak M., Chenet L., Leon D.A., McKee M., Shkolnikov V.M. Patterns of smoking in Russia. // Studies in Public Policy Number 299, Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 1998: 27-36.

McKee M., Bobak M., Rose R., Shkolnikov V., Chenet L., Leon D. Patterns of smoking in Russia. // Tobacco Control, 1998, 7: 22-26

Shkolnikov V., Leon D., Adamets S., Andreev E., Deev A. Educational level and adult mortality in Russia: an analysis of routine data 1979 to 1994. // Social Science and Medicine, 1998. Vol. 47, No 3: 357-369.

Waldberg P., McKee M., Shkolnikov V., Chenet L., Leon D. Economic change, crime and Russian mortality crisis: a regional analysis. // British Medical Journal, 1998, vol. 317, August.

Shkolnikov V.M. Measuring inequalities in life expectancy. // Paper presented at Global Health Equity Workshop on “Measuring Inequalities in Health”. Stockholm, March 16-17 1998.

Chenet L., McKee M., Shkolnikov V., Vassin S. Alcohol and cardiovascular mortality in Moscow: new evidence of a causal association. European Journal of Population, 1998, 14: 19-37.

McKee M., Colin Sanderson C., Chenet L., Vassin S., Shkolnikov V. Seasonal variation in mortality in Moscow. // Journal of Public Health, 1998, v.20, 3: 268-274.


Школьников В.М. Смертность и продолжительность жизни. // Население России 1998. М., 1999: 78-87.


Shkolnikov, V.M., Cornia, G.A.: Population crisis and rising mortality in transitional Russia // Cornia, G.A., Paniccià, R. (Eds.): The mortality crisis in transitional economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000:253-279.

Shkolnikov, V.M., McKee, M., Leon, D.A. What explains the improvement in life expectancy in Russia in the mid 1990's? // Health inequalities in Europe / Réduire les inégalités de santé en Europe, Sciété Francaise de Santé Publique. Paris: Société Francaise de Santé Publique, 2000: 225.

Meslé, F., Shkolnikov, V.M. Russie: une crise sanitaire sans precedents // Espace Populations Societes, 2000, 2:253-272.

Nolte, E., Shkolnikov, V.M., McKee, M. Changing mortality patterns in East and West Germany and Poland. I: long-term trends (1960-1997) // Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2000, v. 54 , 12: 890-898.

Nolte, E., Shkolnikov, V.M., McKee, M. Changing mortality patterns in East and West Germany and Poland. II: short-term trends during transition and in the 1990s. // Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2000, v. 54, 12:899-906.


Shkolnikov, V.M., Field, M.G., Andreev, E.M. Russia: socioeconomic dimensions of the gender gap in mortality. // Evans, T., Whitehead, M., Diderichsen, F., Bhuiya, A., Wirth, M. (Eds.): Challenging inequalities in health - from ethics to action. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2001:138-155.

Shkolnikov V., Valkonen T., Andreev E., Begun A. Measuring inter-groups inequality in length of life. Genus. 2001, v. LVII. n. 3-4. P. 33-62.

Yeganyan, R., Badurashvili, I., Andreev, E.M., Meslé, F., Shkolnikov, V.M., Vallin, J. Life expectancy in two Caucasian countries: how much due to overestimated population? . Demographic Research, 2001, v. 5:7.

Anand, S., Diderichsen, F., Evans, T., Shkolnikov, V.M., Wirth, M. Measuring disparities in health: methods and indicators. // Evans, T. (Eds.): Challenging inequities in health: From ethnics to action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001:49-67.

Badurashvili, I., McKee, M., Tsuladze, G., Meslé, F., Vallin, J., Shkolnikov, V.M. Where are no data: what has happened to life expectancy in Georgia since 1990? / Public Health, v. 115, 6:394-400.

McKee, M., Shkolnikov, V.M. Understanding the toll of premature death among men in Eastern Europe. / British Medical Journal, 2001, v. 323, 3:1051-1055.

McKee, M., Shkolnikov, V.M., Leon, D.A. Alcohol is implicated in the fluctuations in cardiovascular disease in Russia since the 1980s. / Annals of Epidemiology, 2001 v. 11, 1:1-6.

Shkolnikov, V.M., McKee, M., Leon, D.A. Changes in life expectancy in Russia in the mid-1990s. // Lancet, 2001, v. 357, 9260:917-921.


Андреев Е.М., Школьников В.М., МакКи М. Продолжительность здоровой жизни. // Вопросы статистики. 2002. № 11:16-21.

Lock K., Andreev E.M., Shkolnikov V.M. and M. McKee. What targets for international development policies are appropriate for improving health in Russia? // Health policy and planning. Oxford University Press. 2002, v. 17(3):257-263.

Andreev E.M., Shkolnikov V.M., Begun A.Z. Algorithm for decomposition of differences between aggregate demographic measures and its application to life expectancies, healthy life expectancies, parityprogression ratios and total fertility rates. // Demographic research. 2002, v. 7,14:1

Chervyakov, V.V., Shkolnikov, V.M., Pridemore, W.A., McKee, M. The changing nature of murder in Russia. // Social Science and Medicine, 55, 10: 1713-1724.

Shkolnikov, V M., McKee, M., Chervyakov, V.V., Kyrianov, N A. Is the link between alcohol and cardiovascular death among young Russian men attributable to misclassification of acute alcohol intoxication? Evidence from the city of Izhevsk. // Journal of Epidemilogy and Community Health, 56, 3: 171-174.

Nolte, E., Scholz, R., Shkolnikov, V., McKee, M. The contribution of medical care to changing life expectancy in Germany and Poland // Social Science and Medicine, 55, 11: 1905-1921.


Andreev E.M., Nolte E., Shkolnikov V.M., Varavikova E. and McKee M. The evolving pattern of avoidable mortality in Russia. // International Journal of Epidemiology. 2003; 32:437–446

Meslé F., Vallin J., Hertrich V., Andreev E., Shkolnikov V. Causes of Death in Russia: Assessing Trends since the 50s. // Paper for 2003 Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota. May 1-3, 2003

Shkolnikov, V.M., Andreev, E.M., Begun, A.Z. Gini coefficient as a life table function: computation from discrete data, decomposition of differences and empirical examples. // Demographic Research. Vol. 8, article 11, www.demographic-research.org

Andreev, E.M., McKee M. and Shkolnikov, V.M. Health expectancy in the Russian Federation: a new perspective on the health divide in Europe. // Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81, 11: 778-788.

Philipov, D., Andreev, E., Kharkova, T., Shkolnikov, V. Recent trends in induced abortion in Russia and under-reporting in surveys. // European Journal of Population, 20, No 2: 95-117.

Shkolnikov, V.M. Mortality reversals. // Encyclopedia of Population, ed. by Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll, NY, Thompson and Gale, 2003: 676-679.

Meslé, F., Vallin, J., Shkolnikov V. La mortalité est-elle sous-estimée? // Meslé, F. et Vallin, J. avec contributions de Vladimir Shkolnikov, Serhii Pyrozhkov et Serguei Adamets Mortalité et causes de décès en Ukraine au XXe siècle. Serie: Les cahiers de l'INED, Cahier No 152: 79-90.

Meslé, F., Vallin, J., Shkolnikov V. Trois quarts de siècle d'évolution de la mortalité par sexe et âge // Meslé, F. et Vallin, J. avec contributions de Vladimir Shkolnikov, Sehii Pyrozhkov et Segruei Adamets Mortalité et causes de décès en Ukraine au XXe siècle. Serie: Les cahiers de l'INED, Cahier No 152: 91-100.

Shkolnikov, V. Ukrainiens et Russes en Ukraine et en Russie // Meslé, F. et Vallin, J. avec contributions de Vladimir Shkolnikov, Sehii Pyrozhkov et Segruei Adamets Mortalité et causes de décès en Ukraine au XXe siècle. Serie: Les cahiers de l'INED, Cahier No 152: 105-110.

Shkolnikov, V. Crises sanitaires et mortalité de générations // Meslé, F. et Vallin, J. avec contributions de Vladimir Shkolnikov, Sehii Pyrozhkov et Segruei Adamets Mortalité et causes de décès en Ukraine au XXe siècle. Serie: Les cahiers de l'INED, Cahier No 152: 111-120.


Shkolnikov, V.M., Chervyakov, V.V., McKee, M., Leon, D.A. Russian mortality beyond vital statistics: Effects of social status and behaviours on deaths from circulatory disease and external causes - a case-control study of men aged 20-55 years in Udmurtia, 1998-99 // Demographic Research. Special Collecton 2, Article 4, www.demographic-research.org

Shkolnikov, V.M., Deev, A.D., Kravdal, Ø., Valkonen, T. Educational differentials in male mortality in Russia and northern Europe. A comparison of an epidemiological cohort from Moscow and St. Petersburg with the male populations of Helsinki and Oslo // Demographic Research, vol. 10, article 1, http://www.demographic-research.org/Volumes/Vol10/1/

McMichael, A.J., M.McKee, V.Shkolnikov, T.Valkonen. Mortality trends and setbacks: global convergence or divergence? // The Lancet, 363, April 3: 1155-1159.

Pridemore, W., Shkolnikov, V. Education and marriage as protective factors against homicide mortality: methodological and substantive findings from Moscow // Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 20(2): 173-187.

Shkolnikov V.M. Book Review of Guillaume Wunsch, Michel Mouchart and Josianne Duchêne (Eds.) The Life Table. Modelling Survival and Death. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 // European Journal of Population, 20: 177-179.

Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Anson J., Meslé F. The peculiar pattern of mortality of Jews in Moscow, 1993-95 // Population Studies, 58(3): 311-329.

Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Leon D.A., McKee M., Mesle F. and J.Vallin Mortality reversal in Russia: the story so far. // Hygiea Internationalis, vol. 4, issue 4: 29-80 (Available at http://www.ep.liu.se/ej/hygiea/).


Moser K., Shkolnikov V., Leon D.A. World mortality 1950-2000: divergence replaces convergence from the late 1980s // Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83(3): 202-209.

Vallin J., Andreev E., Meslé F., Shkolnikov V.M. Geographical diversity of cause-of-death patterns and trends in Russia // Demographic Research, vol. 12, article 13: 323-380.

Jdanov D.A., Andreev E., Jasilionis D., Shkolnikov V.M. Estimates of mortality and population changes in England and Wales over the two World Wars // Demographic Research, vol. 13, article 16: 389-414.

Jdanov D.A., Scholz R.D., Shkolnikov V.M. Official population statistics and the Human Mortality Database estimates of populations aged 80+ in Germany and nine other European countries. // Demographic Research, vol. 13, article 14: 335-362.

Андреев Е.М., Харькова Т.Л., Школьников В.М. Изменение смертности в России в зависимости от занятости и характера труда // Народонаселение. 2005, № 3. с. 68-81.

Spielauer, M.; Shkolnikov, V.M.; Vaupel, J.W. Steigende Ungleichheit der Familiengrößen in Europa: Deutschland und Österreich bei der Geburtenkonzentration im Spitzenfeld. [Increasing concentration of reproduction in Europe: Germany and Austria among the countries with the highest concentration of reproduction] // Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand, 2(4), p. 3 (Available at http://www.demografische-forschung.org/archiv/defo0504.pdf)


Shkolnikov V.M., Andreev E.M., Jasilionis D., Leinsalu M., Antonova O.I., McKee M. The changing relation between education and life expectancy in central and eastern Europe in the 1990s // Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 60: 875-881.

Scholz R., Shkolnikov V., Jdanov D. Steigt die Lebenserwartung mit der Rentenhöhe? Effekt sozio-ökonomischer Differenzen in Deutschland // Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand, 3(4), p. 1 (Available at http://www.demografische-forschung.org/archiv/defo0604.pdf)

Shkolnikov V. and Leon D. Commentary: N.Eberstadt’s ‘The health crisis in the USSR’ and sustainable mortality reversal in the post-Soviet space during communism and after. // International Journal of Epidemiology, 35: 1406-9.

Jasilionis, D., Stankuniene, V., Shkolnikov, V. Mirtingumo skirtumai [Mortality differences]. // Lietuvos gyventojai: struktūra ir demografinė raida [Population of Lithuania: composition and demographic development]. Statistics Lithuania, Institute for Social Research, Vilnius: 145-158 [in Lithuanian].


Jasilionis, D., Shkolnikov, V., Andreev, E., Jdanov, D., Ambrozaitiene, D., Stankuniene, V., Meslé, F., Vallin, J. Différences socioculturelles de mortalité en Lituanie: résultats d’un couplage des décès de l’état civil avec le recensement de 2001. // Population-E, Vol. 62(4): 597-646

Shkolnikov, V.M., Jasilionis, D., Andreev, E.M., Jdanov, D.A., Stankuniene, V., Ambrozaitiene, D. Linked versus unlinked estimates of mortality and length of life by education and marital status: Evidence from the first record linkage study in Lithuania. // Social Science & Medicine, 64: 1392-1406.

Shkolnikov, V.M.; Andreev, E.M.; Houle, R.; Vaupel, J.W. The concentration of reproduction in cohorts of women in Europe and the United States. // Population and Development Review, 2007. 33(1): 67-99.

Tomkins S., Saburova L., Kiryanov N., Andreev E., McKee M., Shkolnikov V., Leon D.A. Prevalence of socio-economic distribution of hazardous patterns of alcohol drinking: study of alcohol consumption in men aged 25-54 years in Izhevsk, Russia. // Addiction, 2007. 102: 544-553.

Leon, D.A.; Saburova, L.; Tomkins, S.; Andreev, E.M.; Kiryanov, N.; McKee, M.; Shkolnikov, V. M. Hazardous alcohol drinking and premature mortality in Russia: a population based case-control study. // Lancet, 2007. 369:9578, 2001-2009

Meslé, F., Shkolnikov V.M. Introduction. // HIV, resurgent infections and population change in Africa. Ed by Michel Caraël and Judith Glynn. Series Internationa Studies in Population, volume 6, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2007: 1-8.

Shkolnikov V.M., Scholz R., Jdanov D.A., Stegmann M., von Gaudecker H-M. Length of life and pensions of five million retired German men. // European Journal of Public Health, 18(3): 264-269.

Moser K., Shkolnikov V.M., Leon D.A. World mortality 1950-2000: divergence replaces convergence from the late 1980s. /Ed by Michel Caraël and Judith Glynn. // Series International Studies in Population, volume 6, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 11-26.

Tomkins S., Shkolnikov V., Andreev E., Kiryanov N., Leon D.A., McKee M., Saburova L. Identifying determinants of premature mortality in Russia: overcoming a methodological challenge. // Biomed Central Public Health, 7:343, available at http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/7/343

Андреев Е.М., Жданов Д.А., Школьников В.М. Смертность в России через 15 лет после распада СССР: факты и объяснения // SPERO, 2007. 6: 115-142. // SPERO, 2007. 6: 115-142.


Shkolnikov V.M. and Jdanov D. The relationship between childhood and older-age health: disease-specificity, adult life course, and period effects. // Demographic Challenges for the 21st Century. A State of the Art in Demography ed. by Johan Syrkyn, Patrick Deboosere, and Jan van Bavel. VUBPRESS Brussels University Press: 211-222.

Kibele E., Scholz R., Shkolnikov V.M. Low migrant mortality in Germany for men aged 65 and older: fact or artifact? // European Journal of Epidemiology, 23: 389-393.

Andreev E.M., Pridemore W.A., Shkolnikov V.M., Antonova O.I. An investigation of the growing number of deaths of unidentified people in Russia. // Eur J Public Health, 18 (3): 252-257.

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