Стажировка молодых ученых в восьми
европейских демографических институтах
Молодые ученые
в возрасте до 36 лет приглашаются для участия в стажировке в одном
из восьми европейских демографических институтов, объединившихся
для этой цели в Сеть Стажировки при финансовой поддержке Пятой Рамочной
Программы Европейской Комиссии. Предполагаются стажировки на период
от одного месяца до одного года по самой широкой демографической
In 2002 eight of Europe's leading demographic research
centres joined forces within a Research Training Network (RTN) supported
with funds from the European Commission under the Fifth Framework
Programme. Chris Wilson (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)
is the Coordinator of this network, and he helps you make the most
of these opportunities.
Under the auspices of the network, young researchers
(pre-doctoral and post-doctoral scholars under age 36) can move
from one country to another within Europe to carry out research
under the supervision of top experts in the field. If you know any
young researchers who could benefit from these opportunities, please
draw this email to their attention. If you are under 36, please
consider applying for one of the RTN positions yourself.
The eight participating institutions are:
- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), Rostock,
Germany (Coordinator);
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),
Laxenburg, Austria;
- Institut National d'Etudes D?mographiques (INED), Paris, France;
- Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI),
The Hague, Netherlands;
- University of Groningen (RUG), Groningen, Netherlands;
- Technical University of Vienna (TUW), Vienna, Austria;
- Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium;
- University of Rome - La Sapienza (URLS), Rome, Italy.
The scope of the research covered by the network is
very wide, embracing most of the intellectual breadth of demography,
and young researchers from all EU member states and associated states
(i.e. almost all of Europe) are eligible. The positions are available
for varying durations between one month and one year.
You will find more information on the RTN at: http://www.demogr.mpg.de/rtn.
You can also go directly to the European Commission's CORDIS website
for the network at: http://improving.cordis.lu/rtn/show-NET.cfm?obj_id=NW_VAC--000000000000DFC1
This is also where you will find the current opportunities
and the relevant contact points for each position listed:
In addition to carrying out their research, participants
in the network also have the opportunity to take advanced courses
in demography. Many of these are organised within the International
Max Planck Research School for Demography (IMPRSD): http://www.imprs-demogr.mpg.de
Applications for the IMPRSD Winter School in Rostock
will close shortly, so please do check this site as soon as possible.
Finally, Chris Wilson reminds you that, as Coordinator of the RTN,
it is his job to provide information and generally help you with
this matter. So please do get in touch if there is anything further
you would like to know. Chris Wilson's email is Wilson@demogr.mpg.de
Письмо Криса Вильсона (Chris Wilson) по поручению Европейской Ассоцииации
Демографических Исследований (EAPS).
