Центр сравнительного изучения миграции в Калифорнийском
университете объявляет о грантах для приглашенных исследователей
Центр сравнительного изучения
миграции (ЦСИМ) в Калифорнийском университете (г. Сан-Диего, США)
объявляет о грантах для приглашенных исследователей, изучающих международную
миграцию и потоки беженцев, на 2004-2005 учебный год. Заявки принимаются
от специалистов в области различных
социальных наук, включая историю, право и др. Аспиранты и кандидаты
наук получают
стипендию в размере 2-4 тысячи долларов в месяц. Предоставляется
выступить на семинарах ЦСИМ. Крайний срок подачи заявок - 15 января
2004 г.
Visiting Research Fellowships
Academic Year, 2004-2005
CCIS will offer a limited number of Visiting Research
Fellowships at both the predoctoral and postdoctoral levels for
the 2004-05 academic year. These awards are to support advanced
research and writing on any aspect of international migration and
refugee flows, in any of the social sciences, history, law, and
comparative literature. CCIS fellowships must be held in residence
at UCSD. They cannot be used to support fieldwork or other primary
data collection. Visiting Research Fellows will have the opportunity
to present their research at CCIS research seminars and participate
in writer's and academic professionalization workshops.
Predoctoral applicants are expected to finish writing their dissertations
during their fellowship. Recent postdoctoral applicants can request
support to turn a dissertation into a publishable manuscript or
to prepare shorter publications based on the dissertation project.
More senior scholars can propose any major research or writing project.
The duration of the fellowship is usually for 10 months, although
shorter stays will also be allowed. No summer-only fellowships will
be awarded. For the current academic year, stipends are $2,250 per
month for predoctoral fellows and $3,000 - $4,000 per month for
recent postdoctoral fellows (Ph.D. received within the last 6 years)
depending on seniority. Stipends for more senior scholars are negotiable.
CCIS fellowships may be supplemented with compensation from other
fellowships, research grants, sabbatical leaves, or other sources.
CCIS fellows may be requested to teach a one-quarter (10 week) course
in a UCSD department.
Application forms and guidelines can be downloaded from the CCIS
website at http://www.ccis-ucsd.org.
All application materials must be submitted no later than January
15, 2004 for fellowships to be held during the 2004-05 academic
year. Candidates will be evaluated by a committee of CCIS faculty
research associates and academic staff members. Final decisions
will be made by early March.
Scholars whose work deals with Mexican migration to the United States
can apply jointly to CCIS and the Center for U.S. Mexican Studies
(application forms and guidelines can be downloaded from their website
at http://www.usmex.ucsd.edu).
Individuals with their own extramural funding may apply to become
CCIS "Guest Scholars." The application form is the same
as for a Visiting Research Fellowship.
If you have any questions about the Visiting Research Fellows Program,
please contact Gaku Tsuda, Associate Director of CCIS. E-mail: ttsuda@ucsd.edu.
Tel. # (858) 822-0526.
Carmen Rodriguez
Program & Fellowship Officer
Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
University of California San Diego
ERC Academic Administration Bldg., Room 101
9500 Gilman Drive - M.C. 0548
La Jolla, Calif. 92093-0548
Email: carodriguez@ucsd.edu
Tel: (858) 822 - 4447 - Fax: (858) 822 - 4432
Website: http://www.ccis-ucsd.org.
