26-30 августа 2003 г. в Варшаве состоится
Европейская конференция по народонаселению.
Bulletin № 1:
European Population
Conference 2003. Challenges and Opportunities,
Warsaw, 26-30 August 2003
The European Population Conference 2003
is a general scientific conference on population issues which are
relevant to Europe. The conference is open to people who are interested
or engaged in population issues either from a scientific, policy,
business or a more general point of view. Although its main aim
is to provide insights into European population trends, patterns
and contexts of population change, also more global population issues
will be addressed.
The particular scope of the conference will be "the
new demography of Europe" which emerged since the 1960s; demographic
implications of recent changes in the political arena such as the
enlargement of the European Union will also be taken into account.
The conference is organized by the European Association
for Population Studies (EAPS) in collaboration with the Institute
of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics-SGH, the
Polish Academy of Sciences, the Central Statistical Office of Poland,
the Polish Demographic Society and the Polish Governmental Population
The conference will be held on 26-30 August, 2003 in Warsaw, Poland,
at the Marriott Hotel.
Address, Al.Jerozolimskie 65/67, Phone: +48-22-6305064
The Conference organizers are:
P.O.Box 11676, 2502 AR The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-70-3565245 (direct), +31-70-3565200 (switchboard), Telefax:
e-mail: contact@eaps.nl, www.eaps.nl
02-554 Warsaw, Al.Niepodleglosci 162
Phone/fax: +48-22-6466138, e-mail: epc2003@sgh.waw, www.sgh.waw.pl/epc/
Congress and Conference Bureau
00-238 Warsaw, Dluga Street 23/25
Phone: +48-22-6354946, +48-22-8319174, Fax: +48-22-8319177, e-mail:
The Council of EAPS serves as the IOC for EPC 2003.
EAPS Council / International Organizing Committee (IOC):
Guillaume Wunsch, Belgium (President)
Janina Jozwiak, Poland (Vice President)
Nico van Nimwegen, The Netherlands (Secretary-General/Treasurer)
Tapani Valkonen, Finland, member
Andrei Volkov, Russia, member
National Organizing Committee (NOC):
Janina Jozwiak Chair, Institute of Statistics and Demography,
Committee of Demographic Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences
Stanislawa Borkowska Committee of Labour and Social Policy,
Polish Academy of Sciences
Maria Cieslak University of Economics, Wroclaw
Ewa Fratczak Secretary, Institute of Statistics and Demography,
Polish Demographic Society
Irena E.Kotowska Institute of Statistics and Demography,
Polish Academy of Sciences
Jerzy T.Kowaleski University of Lodz, Lodz
Jolanta Kurkiewicz University of Economics, Cracow
Marek Okolski Warsaw University, Warsaw
Jan Paradysz University of Economics, Poznan
Zbigniew Strzelecki Governmental Population Council, Polish
Demographic Society
Janusz Witkowski Central Statistical Office of Poland
The International Organizing Committee (IOC) provides
a guidance and support to the National Organizing Committee (NOC)
with respect to the scope and structure of the conference and its
scientific program.
The National Organizing Committee (NOC) is responsible
for the preparation and organization of EPC 2003 including financial
matters and fund raising.
Registration and accomodation issues are delegated to the professional
congress organizer (PCO).
The scientific program of EPC 2003 will be structured
into one plenary session and a set of simultaneous sessions. In
addition two round table sessions and side meetings will be scheduled.
The working language of the conference will be English.
Plenary Session
The Plenary Session will reflect the particular scope of the
conference. The Plenary Session will last 90 minutes. At the Plenary
Session only one invited paper will be presented. This keynote address
will last 45 minutes, and will be followed by a co-referee who will
comment on the topic and by discussion from the floor.
Simultaneous Sessions
The parallel sessions are structured around 18 general themes.
For the organization of Sessions one Convenor per theme is appointed
by the IOC. The Convenor is responsible to develop the Sessions
in her/his part of the scientific program, based on abstracts which
are invited from the participants.
Two types of Simultaneous Sessions are organized: Paper/Abstracts
based sessions and Poster/Abstract based sessions. Both types of
sessions are strictly on an equal footing. Decisions regarding the
type of session will be made by IOC/NOC on organizational and not
on substantive grounds at an early stage in the preparation of the
conference, allowing participants to adjust their presentations
accordingly. Simultaneous Sessions will last 90 minutes, allowing
4-5 presentations of 10-15 minutes each in a Paper Session, and
in principle an unlimited number of presentations in a Poster Session.
If a particular session has been dedicated as "Paper or Poster",
only presentations of that type will be accepted. Authors will be
informed well in advance of the conference if their presentations
will be in a Paper or in a Poster session. Only one presentation
per participant will be allowed at the conference. Visit the EAPS
website for the procedures for abstract.
The EAPS Council has invited the following convenors
who are in charge to develop Simultaneous Sessions. The sessions
will be based on the received Abstracts. Participants are invited
to send their provisional abstract to the National Organizing Committee
by September 30, 2002 at the latest.
Theme A: Fertility trends and patterns
Convenor: Mrs. Jitka Rychtarikova, Czech Republic
Address: Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Demography
and Geodemography,
Albertov 6, CZ-128 43 PRAGUE, Czech Republic
E-mail: rychta@natur.cuni.cz
Theme B: Families and households
Convenor: Mrs. Fausta Ongaro, Italy
Address: Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche,
Via San Francesco 33, I-35100 PADOVA, Italy
E-mail: ongaro@mailhost.stat.unipd.it
Theme C: Reproductive health
Convenor: Mr. Henri Leridon, France
Address: Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques,
133 Boulevard Davout, F-75980 PARIS CEDEX 20, France
E-mail: leridon@ined.fr
Theme D: Health, morbidity and mortality
Convenor: Mr. Anton E. Kunst, The Netherlands
Address: Erasmus University, Department of Public Health, Faculty
of Medicine and Health Sciences,
P.O. Box 1738, NL-3000 DR ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands
E-mail: kunst@mgz.fgg.eur.nl
Theme E: Regional population dynamics and internal migration
Convenor: Mr. Philip Rees, United Kingdom
Address: The University of Leeds, School of Geography,
UK- LEEDS LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
E-mail: p.rees@geog.leeds.ac.uk
Theme F: International migration and migrant populations
Convenor: Mr. Marek Okolski, Poland
Address: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economics,
Ul. Dluga 44/50, PL-00-241 WARSAW, Poland
E-mail: moko@samba.iss.uw.edu.pl
Theme G: Population ageing
Convenor: Mrs. Emily Grundy, United Kingdom
Address: Centre for Population Studies, London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine,
49-51 Bedford Square, UK- LONDON WC1B 3DP, United Kingdom
E-mail: emily.grundy@lshtm.ac.uk
Theme H: Population and policies
Convenor: Mrs. Charlotte Hohn, Germany
Address: Bundesinstitut fur Bevolkerungsforschung,
PO Box 5528, D-65180 WIESBADEN, Germany
E-mail: bib@statistik-bund.de
Theme I: Population and development
Convenor: Mr. Dominique Tabutin, Belgium
Address: Demographic Institute UCL,
1, Place Montesquieu, bte 17, B-1348 LOUVAIN LA NEUVE, Belgium
E-mail: tabutin@demo.ucl.ac.be
Theme J: Quantitative and qualitative methods
Convenor: Mr. Juha Alho, Finland
Address: Department of Statistics,
P.O. Box 111, Fin -80101 JOENSUU, Finland
E-mail: alho@joyx.joensuu.fi
Theme K: Applied demography
Convenor: Mrs. Filomena Racioppi, Italy
Address: University of Rome "La Sapienza", Dipartimento
di Scienze Demografiche,
Via Nomentana 41, I-00161 ROMA, Italy
E-mail: filomena@racioppiuniroma1.it
Theme L: Historical demography
Convenor: Mr. David Sven Reher, Spain
Address: Jordan 23, E-28010 MADRID, Spain
E-mail: soso203@emducms1.sis.ucm.es
Theme M: Gender and generations
Convenor: Mr. Miroslav Macura, Switzerland
Address: Population Activities Unit,
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 GENEVA 10, Switzerland
E-mail: miroslav.macura@unece.org
Theme N: Population and environment
Convenor: Mr. Wolfgang. Lutz, Austria
Address: International Institute for Applied System Analysis, Population
PO Box 40, A-2361 LAXENBURG, Austria
E-mail: lutz@iiasa.ac.at
Theme O: Population and economy
Convenor: Mr. Zsolt Speder, Hungary
Address: HCSO Demographic Research Institute,
Angol u. 77, BUDAPEST H-1149, Hungary
E-mail: speder@mailop.ksh.hu
Theme P: Population and education
Convenor: Mr. Juan Antonio Fernandez Cordon, Spain
Address: Instituto de Economia y Geografia, Calle Pinar 25, E-28006
E-mail: jafc@icg.csic.es
Theme Q: Values and norms
Convenor: Mr. Janusz Balicki , Poland
Address: ul. Dewajtis 5, PL-01-815 WARSZAWA, Poland
E-mail: jbali@gsd.gda.pl
Theme R: Genetics and populations
Convenor: Mr. James Vaupel, Germany
Address: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research,
Doberaner Str. 114, D-18057 ROSTOCK, Germany
E-mail: jwv@demogr.mpg.de
Look at
rules of play for convenors at the EAPS website.
Special sessions and side meetings
Two Round Table Sessions will be organized. Proposals
for topics to be discussed may be sent to the NOC by August 31,
2002. Side meetings or working group meetings can also be scheduled
during the conference according to proposals sent to the NOC.
Facilities for special sessions will be offered to provide
extra opportunities to participants to present their work in a more
informal or special setting. Side meetings may, however, not compete
with the conference programme.
Look at the EAPS website
for additional information.
Presentations (Paper or Poster) at the Conference will
be based on Abstracts. Full papers are optional. If you choose to
bring your paper to the Conference please make sure you have a sufficient
number of copies (50).
The following general rules apply:
1. Abstracts should be in English, since this will be the working
language of the conference.
2. Abstracts should reflect the essentials of the proposed contribution.
Provisional Abstracts may indicate the type of contribution; Final
Abstracts should clearly describe its contents.
3. Provisional Abstracts should include:
- Conference Theme for which the presentation is proposed.
- (Provisional) title of the presentation.
- Name and affiliation of the author(s), with full address, phone/fax/email.
- Research issue to be addressed.
- Methodology and data to be used.
- Results or indication of envisaged outcomes.
4. Final abstracts should include:
- Session in which presentation is scheduled.
- Name and affiliation of the author(s), with full address, phone/fax/email
of the principal author.
- Background and purpose of the research.
- Data and methods which were used.
- Main results.
- Conclusions.
5. Provisional Abstracts may be longer than Final Abstracts; authors
may also send in full papers if they so wish.
6. Final Abstracts should be approximately 600 words
in length (one page A4) and should be forwarded both on paper (one-sided,
double line spacing) and in electronic format by email or on 3,5",
1.44 Mb DOS formatted disc. Acceptable are text files in MS Word
(6.0 or higher), Word Perfect (5.x or 6.x) or ASCII.
7. The Provisional Abstracts should be sent to the NOC,
which will forward the Abstracts to the Convenors. These will review
the Abstract taking into account two criteria: a) whether the topic
fits their Theme and b) whether its approach is scientific.
8. The Provisional Abstract will - in principle - be
accepted for presentation at the conference if these two criteria
are met. They will be included in the Session proposal, which will
be drafted by the Convenor. Authors will be informed
by the Convenor about the provisional acceptance and the
session selected for the presentation. At that occasion the Convenor
may make suggestions to the author regarding substance.
Note that acceptance of an Abstract implies that the author
will be allowed to present it at the conference, either in a paper
or in a poster session!
9. Upon acceptance of the Provisional Abstract and its
allocation to a particular session, authors will be required to
prepare a Final Abstract, following the guidelines. This Final Abstract
will be printed in the Book of Abstracts, which will be distributed
upon registration at the conference site to all participants, and
will be placed on the special Conference Website.
Note that if the deadline for the Final Abstract is missed,
this implies that it will not be printed in the Book of Abstracts.
10. Once the number, type, scope and contents of the
parallel sessions have been determined, the Session Organizer selected
by the Convenor in co-operation with the NOC will be responsible
for the organization of the session. All authors will be informed
about their Session Organizers as soon as possible; from that
time authors should communicate with them. Visit the EAPS
website for guidelines for presenters.
11. Posters presented at Poster Sessions will be judged
by the audience. The three best posters will be awarded.
Visit the EAPS
website for guidelines for poster sessions.
Visit the EAPS
website for the procedures for abstracts.
As a tribute to Gunther Beyer, one of the founding fathers
of EAPS, EAPS awards a prize for the best paper by a young scholar
at every EAPS conference. Full single authored papers by scholars
who are under 35 years of age at the time of the conference may
be nominated for the award at the request of its author.
In addition to the regular procedure, described
above and to qualify for this award, the full paper must be available
by July 1, 2003, with a request to be nominated and a CV of the
author. These materials should be sent to EAPS, P.O. Box 11676,
2502 AR The Hague, The Netherlands.
Nominated papers are judged by a Jury, consisting of the Honorary
Presidents of EAPS, on the basis of the following criteria:
- Choice of topic and originality;
- Theoretical foundation underlying or theoretical notions used
in the paper;
- Technical competence as displayed in the analysis and presentation
of the data;
- Use of professional literature;
- Structure of the paper and quality of its text.
The Award consists of a cash benefit, while the conference registration
fee of the successful nominee will be waived.
Visit the EAPS
September 30, 2002 Provisional Abstracts should be submitted
to the National Organizing Committee.
November 15, 2002 Convenors inform authors about acceptance
of Provisional Abstracts. Authors are then required to prepare a
Final Abstract.
December 31, 2002 IOC/NOC informs authors about the type
of presentation (paper or poster)
February 28, 2003 Deadline for an early registration
May 31, 2003 Deadline for Final Abstracts to be sent to
the National Organizing Committee
Deadline for registration
August 14, 2003 Publication of Abstracts in Book of Abstracts
and on the Conference Website
More detailed information will be given in Bulletin no.2.
Source: http://akson.sgh.waw.pl/epc/index.html
