Family Issues Between Gender and Generations
Seminar Report
Vienna, May 1999.
Ed. by Sylvia Trnka
European Observatory on Family Mattersat the Austrian Institute
for Family Studies
Employment & social affairs
European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment and
Social Affairs, Unit E/1. Luxembourg, 2000, 92 p.
Сборник докладов на семинаре, состоявшемся в мае 1999
г. в Вене, в которых обсуждаются факторы, влияющие на разные стороны
жизни семей: демографические, социально - экономические, политические
и др.
Годы одновременной жизни детей и родителей (с.
Когорта родителей
С отцом
19 лет
С матерью
45 лет
Когорта родителей
С отцом
45 лет
С матерью
52 года
Доля детей, имеющих по крайней мере одного деда/бабку,
в процентах (с. 12)
При рождении
В возрасте 20 лет
Когорта дедов
До 1890
Когорта бабок
До 1890
Table of Contents
Winterberger Helmut. Family Issues Between Gender and Generations
Section 1 - Generational Relations at the
Family Level
Luscher Kurt. Ambivalence: A Key Concept for the Study of
Intergenerational Relations
Wilk Liselotte. Intergenerational Relationships: Grandparents
and Grandchildren
Cuyvers Peter. You Can't Have It All - At a Least at the
Same Time. Segmentation in the Modern Life Course as a Threat to
Intergenerational Communication and Solidarity
Pflegerl Johannes. Summary of the Discussion in the Session
on Generational Relations at the Family Level
Section 2 - Generational Solidarity and
Lutz Wolfgang. Determinants of Low Fertility and Ageing
Prospects for Europe
Taskinen Sirpa. Money is not Enough
Qvortrup Jens. A Childhood Perspective Applied to Wolfgang
Lutz's Paper
Spielauer Martin. Summary of the Discussion in the Session
on Generational Solidarity and Conflict
Section 3 - Gender and Family Issues
Schunter - Kleemann Susanne. Gender Mainstreaming as a Strategy
for Modernising Gender Relations?
Dumon Wilfried. Family and Fiscal Policy in Belgium
Pfeiffer Cristiane. Summary of the Discussion in the Session
on Gender and Family Issues