Social inequalities
in multi-morbidity at death
IUSSP Webinar
This 2nd webinar organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Declining
Mortality and Multi-morbidity at Death will focus on socio-economic
differences in multi-morbidity at death.
It will be structured around two talks:
- Tim Adair (University of Melbourne): Inequalities in premature
mortality from comorbidity clusters: Analysis of Census-linked
multiple cause of death data in Australia
- Paul Peters (Carleton University):Socioeconomic variations in
multiple cause mortality using census-linked administrative data
Date: 28 сент. 2023 14:00 (Москва)
Регистрация в веб-семинаре -
Population 2024
Early-Career Research Prize
We are pleased to announce that the journal Population is now accepting
submissions for its annual Early-Career Researcher Prize. Candidates
are encouraged to submit their articles to the editorial board.
All articles accepted this year for publication will then be examined
by our international jury in early 2024 to select the winning article.
The Population 2024 Early-Career Researcher Prize is open to students
and early-career researchers working in population studies and will
be awarded to an outstanding, original paper submitted to the journal.
Who is eligible?
- Students enrolled in PhD or master’s programmes
- Researchers who have defended their thesis within the last 7
- Proof of enrollment in a master’s or PhD programme, or of degree
completion, must be provided.
What papers are eligible?
What are the key dates?
- Reviewed papers are discussed by the editorial board (every
2 months) according to the standard process.
- An international jury will review the papers accepted by the
board in 2023.
- Results will be announced to candidates in March 2024.
What is the prize?
- Accelerated publication
- 1,000 euros (to be shared for co-authored papers)
- Invitation to Paris to present the article at INED’s weekly
More information -
21st Conference
of the European Divorce Network
The European Divorce Network has been organizing annual conferences
since 2002. The first conference took place in Florence, Italy,
and was followed by a second conference in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
We are delighted that twenty years later the conference will be
back in the Netherlands! This year’s divorce conference will take
place in Utrecht on 12-13th October, 2023.
The conference will be hosted by Utrecht University (UU) and the
Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW).
It will take place on site to facilitate the exchange of ideas and
the cohesion of the network. We invite all scholars working in the
fields of sociology, demography, and related disciplines to contribute
to the conference. The deadline for abstract submission is April
15th, 2023.
The format will consist of oral and poster presentations available
to all attendees (i.e., no parallel sessions). As in previous years,
the registration fee and conference dinner are covered by the network.
Lunch, accomodation, and traveling are at your own expense. We are
examining discounts for accomodation. Utrecht can be easily reached
by train, as many international trains make a stop in Utrecht, and
there is a connection to Schiphol Airport.
Date: 12-13 October 2023
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
BSPS Annual Conference
You are invited to submit proposals for presentations
and posters for the British Society for Population Studies’ 50th
anniversary Conference, to take place at Keele University*. This
celebratory in-person conference will be the culmination of the
year’s anniversary events and rich in opportunities to meet fellow
demographers working in university, government and other practical
settings, as well as opportunities for early-career researchers
to develop their networks in the field.
A provisional programme and booking forms will be available
in May. There will be a full programme of simultaneous strand sessions
of submitted papers, plus invited plenary sessions with the theme
BSPS at 50: looking backwards, looking forwards.
Abstracts for papers and posters across the entire demographic
and population studies spectrum are welcomed. Whilst any empirical
or conceptual approach is welcome, a submission should have a demographic
or population studies focus. Abstracts for papers reporting on research
should clearly outline aims, method(s), and results (even if preliminary
at the time of submission). Conceptual papers should offer clear
expositions of how the paper contributes to the field. Viability
of stand-alone strands and sessions will depend on sufficient submissions
being received. There is inevitably some duplication in topics between
strands and sessions. Please submit to the strand or session you
think most appropriate. It may be necessary to move papers between
sessions, but any such changes will be advised.
Date: 11-13 September 2023
Location: Keele University
RSS 2023 International
The RSS International Conference regularly attracts
more than 500 attendees from over 30 countries providing one of
the best opportunities for anyone interested in statistics and data
science to come together to share knowledge and network.
As usual, the conference programme will feature top keynote speakers,
invited topic sessions, professional development workshops, contributed
and rapid-fire talks, and poster presentations, as well as many
opportunities for networking.
Date: Monday 04 September 2023 5.00PM - Thursday
07 September 2023 6.00PM
Location: Harrogate, Yorkshire UK
Приглашение редакции
журнала демографических наук
принять активное участие в подготовке материалов.

Приглашение для
авторов участвовать в написании статей для журнала
East European Quarterly,
в том числе по экономике и социологии
Место: Будапешт (Венгрия)

Новые публикации
Европейского регионального бюро ВОЗ,
затрагивающие проблемы здоровья мигрантов и беженцев:

союз по научному изучению народонаселения анонсирует новый журнал
мировых демографических новостей
(The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
has a new initiative, N-IUSSP. N-IUSSP is the IUSSP news magazine
that disseminates scientific findings from demographic research
from all over the world.)

членам Международного союза по научному изучению народонаселения
IUSSP принять участие в подготовке сообщений в
Бюллетень IUSSP
(IUSSP Bulletin) с целью информирования на международной арене о
предстоящих мероприятиях, исследовательских проектах, грантах и
Адрес для присылки информационных материалов:

агентство по развитию культуры, образования и науки
(International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education
and Science, Australia, Melbourne - IADCES) приглашает к участию
в конгрессах и публикации в научных периодических журналах по широкому
спектру дисциплин, включая демографию и социологию, издающихся в:
Австралии и Новой Зеландии: Австралийский
и Новозеландский журнал фундаментальных и прикладных исследований
(Australian and New Zealand Journal of Fundamental and Applied Studies)
Канаде: VII
Международный научный конгресс "Современный Мир: Политика,
Экономика, Культура, История, Технологии, Наука и Образование",
Канада, Оттава, 18-20 марта 2015 года, участие - заочное
Франции: 5
Международный научный конгресс "Наука, образование и культура
в Евразии и Африке", Франция, Париж, 23-25 марта 2015 года,
дистанционный формат
Великобритании: Оксфордское
обозрение в сфере образования и науки ("Oxford Review of Education
and Science")

Объявление об открытии
новой единой онлайновой базы данных о рождаемости по 73 странам
Human Fertility Collection
Адрес в Интернете:

пополнения в базе данных IPUMS:
В настоящее время коллекция микроданных переписей населения в рамках
международного проекта Университета Миннесоты содержит 238 выборок
по 74 странам мира общим объемом более 500 миллионов лиц. Информация
доступна для демографов всего мира и распространяется свободно.
Сайт Проекта IPUMS:

Центр миграционной политики
(The Migration Policy Centre MPC)
представляет новые публикации на тему миграции низкоквалифицированной
рабочей силы на своем блоге,
а также сайт
и раздел
на Facebook.

объединённая сеть ведущих демографических научно-исследовательских
центров Европы, объявляет о запуске своего нового веб-сайта,
предназначенного для более эффективного распространения результатов
исследований в области демографии.
Подробнее: Пресс-релиз