Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики"

№ 891 - 892
22 февраля - 7 марта 2021

ISSN 1726-2891

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United States. Health Systems in Transition

Здоровье населения и здравоохранение в Кыргызской Республике 2015-2019

Влияние пандемии covid-19 на положение мигрантов и денежные переводы в Центральной Азии

Migrant integration statistics - 2020 edition

Общая заболеваемость населения старше трудоспособного возраста (с 55 лет у женщин и с 60 лет у мужчин) по России в 2019 году

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Официальный журнал Американской демографической ассоциации


Volume 57, 2020

Issue 5, October 2020

The Effects of Enhanced Enforcement at Mexico’s Southern Border: Evidence From Central American Deportees
Fernanda Martínez Flores

New Partner, New Order? Multipartnered Fertility and Birth Order Effects on Educational Achievement
Mats Lillehagen & Martin Arstad Isungset

Brazil’s Missing Infants: Zika Risk Changes Reproductive Behavior
Marcos A. Rangel, Jenna Nobles & Amar Hamoudi

How Does Deprivation Affect Early-Age Mortality? Patterns of Socioeconomic Determinants of Neonatal and Postneonatal Mortality in Bolivia
Filippo Temporin

Biases in Survey Estimates of Neonatal Mortality: Results From a Validation Study in Urban Areas of Guinea-Bissau
Stéphane Helleringer, Li Liu, Yue Chu, Amabelia Rodrigues & Ane Barent Fisker

The Social Significance of Interracial Cohabitation: Inferences Based on Fertility Behavior
Kate H. Choi & Rachel E. Goldberg

Marriage and Union Formation in the United States: Recent Trends Across Racial Groups and Economic Backgrounds
Deirdre Bloome & Shannon Ang

The Direct Effects of Legal Same-Sex Marriage in the United States: Evidence From Massachusetts
Christopher S. Carpenter

The Wealth of Parents: Trends Over Time in Assortative Mating Based on Parental Wealth
Sander Wagner, Diederik Boertien & Mette Gørtz

The Direct Effect of Taxes and Transfers on Changes in the U.S. Income Distribution, 1967–2015
Christopher Wimer, Zachary Parolin, Anny Fenton, Liana Fox & Christopher Jencks

Early Determinants of Work Disability in an International Perspective
Axel Börsch-Supan, Tabea Bucher-Koenen & Felizia Hanemann

What Factors Explain the Decline in Widowed Women’s Poverty?
Alicia H. Munnell, Geoffrey Sanzenbacher & Alice Zulkarnain

Tapped Out? Racial Disparities in Extrahousehold Kin Resources and the Loss of Homeownership
Gregory Sharp, Ellen Whitehead & Matthew Hall

Metropolitan Reclassification and the Urbanization of Rural America
Kenneth M. Johnson & Daniel T. Lichter

Income Segregation: Up or Down, and for Whom?
John R. Logan, Andrew Foster, Hongwei Xu & Wenquan Zhang

Issue 6, December 2020

Preferences, Partners, and Parenthood: Linking Early Fertility Desires, Marriage Timing, and Achieved Fertility
Natalie Nitsche & Sarah R. Hayford

The Dynamics of Intimate Relationships and Contraceptive Use During Early Emerging Adulthood
Yasamin Kusunoki & Jennifer S. Barber

Recent Trends in U.S. Childbearing Intentions
Caroline Sten Hartnett & Alison Gemmill

The Enduring Case for Fertility Desires
Sara Yeatman, Jenny Trinitapoli & Sarah Garver

Material Hardship and Contraceptive Use During the Transition to Adulthood
Elly Field

Parental Investment After the Birth of a Sibling: The Effect of Family Size in Low-Fertility China
Shuang Chen

Exposure to Armed Conflict and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa
Brian C. Thiede, Matthew Hancock, Ahmed Kodouda & James Piazza

Gender Discrimination and Excess Female Under-5 Mortality in India: A New Perspective Using Mixed-Sex Twins
Ridhi Kashyap & Julia Behrman

The Effects of Marital Status, Fertility, and Bereavement on Adult Mortality in Polygamous and Monogamous Households: Evidence From the Utah Population Database
Kieron J. Barclay, Robyn Donrovich Thorén, Heidi A. Hanson & Ken R. Smith

Landfall After the Perfect Storm: Cohort Differences in the Relationship Between Debt and Risk of Heart Attack
Angela M. O’Rand & Jenifer Hamil-Luker

Young Adults’ Migration to Cities in Sweden: Do Siblings Pave the Way?
Clara H. Mulder, Emma Lundholm & Gunnar Malmberg

Evaluating the Role of Parental Education and Adolescent Health Problems in Educational Attainment
Janne Mikkonen, Hanna Remes, Heta Moustgaard & Pekka Martikainen

Historical Trends in Children Living in Multigenerational Households in the United States: 1870–2018
Natasha V. Pilkauskas, Mariana Amorim & Rachel E. Dunifon

Employment’s Role in Enabling and Constraining Marriage in the Middle East and North Africa
Caroline Krafft & Ragui Assaad

The Association Between Legal Status and Poverty Among Immigrants: A Methodological Caution
Cody Spence, James D. Bachmeier, Claire E. Altman & Christal Hamilton

The Levels and Trends in Deep and Extreme Poverty in the United States, 1993–2016
David Brady & Zachary Parolin

A Cautionary Tale of Using Data From the Tail
James X. Sullivan

Further Analyses Reinforce Our Conclusions About Extreme Poverty
David Brady & Zachary Parolin

Another Plea for Caution When Using Survey Income Data From the Far-Left Tail
James X. Sullivan

Acknowledgment of Reviewers

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