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Отдел Докладов о человеческом развитии Программы развития
ООН (HDRO) сообщает, что на сайте HDRO по адресу
www.undp.org/hdro в разделе Human Development Report 2001 (Доклад о человеческом
развитии, 2001) находится база данных "Показатели человеческого
развития" ("Human Development Indicators").
Эта база данных дает возможность:
- увидеть PDF файлы с таблицами показателей в том виде, как они
опубликованы в Докладе;
- загрузить данные по отдельным показателям в EXCEL файлы (выбор
нескольких показателей пока не предусмотрен);
получить информацию об источниках данных, используемых определениях
и других деталях, указанных в подстрочных примечаниях;
- создать рабочий массив данных для каждой страны путем объединения
всей информации, имеющейся в таблицах показателей.
- Указанная база данных опубликована одновременно с выходом Доклада.
Пользователи интернета впервые получают доступ к полному массиву
показателей с возможностями интерактивного доступа.

Вакансии для приглашенных исследователей в Институте
демографических исследований Макса Планка (Росток, Германия)
Зимний семестр 2001-2002 годов
Openings at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic
for Visiting Scholars (Ph.D. Students and Post-Docs)
Winter Semester 2001/2002
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany,
has openings for Visiting Scholars for stays of one to five months
between October 1, 2001 and February 28, 2002. The openings are
primarily intended for doctoral students or post-doctoral fellows
who want to pursue an individual scientific program in one of our
research groups or laboratories and who cannot get financial support
for their visit from their home institutions. There are many openings
in the:
- Laboratory of Survival and Longevity, headed by Prof. J. Vaupel,
- Laboratory of Contemporary European Fertility and Family Dynamics,
headed by Prof. J. Hoem.
There are also some openings in the:
- Research Unit on Reproductive Health, headed by Prof. E. Carlson,
- Research Group on Social Dynamics and Fertility, headed by
Prof. H-P. Kohler,
- Research Group on Population, Economy and Environment, headed
by Dr. A. Fuernkranz-Prskawetz, and
- Research Group on the Demography of Early Adulthood, headed
by Dr. F. Billari.
With the approval of the head of the laboratory or research
group, Visiting Scholars may take appropriate research seminars,
generally only one or two at a time, offered by the International
Max Planck Research School for Demography (IMPRSD). For further
information about the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
(MPIDR), please visit www.demogr.mpg.de.
For information about courses offered by the International Max Planck
Research School for Demography, please visit www.imprsd.org.
For specific information about the Visiting Scholars Program, contact
Prof. Elwood Carlson, at carlson@demogr.mpg.de.
Please send an application (including CV, statement
of research interests, proposed program of individual research and
IMPRSD courses, and description of your statistical and demographic
education) to Prof. Carlson by email before July 15, 2001. Before
submitting a final application, it would be useful to submit a tentative
application as soon as possible. Applicants can expect to be notified
concerning acceptance by August 1, 2001. Preference is given to
individuals with handicaps. MPIDR encourages applications from women.

Вопросы миграции
на XV Всемирном Конгрессе Международной социологической ассоциации
Брисбен, Австралия, 7-13 июля 2002 года
Комитет по исследованию миграции Международной
социологической ассоциации (RC31) организует серию заседаний, посвященных
изучению миграции.
Call for papers
ISA Research Committee on Migration RC31
XV ISA World Congress of Sociology
Brisbane, Australia
July 7-13, 2002
The ISA Research Committee on Migration (RC31) invites proposals
for papers for the following sessions at the XVth ISA World Congress
of Sociology in Brisbane:
Sessions of RC 31 (Заседания RC31):
- Migration Theory (Теория миграции)
Chair: Monica Boyd (Florida State University, USA and University
of Toronto, Canada) mboyd@garnet.acns.fsu.edu
and monica.boyd@utoronto.ca
(Please, send your proposals to both addresses)
- Methodologies of Migration Research (Методология
исследования миграции)
Chair: Hanya Zlotnik (United Nations, New York, USA) zlotnik@un.org
- Migration and Citizenship (Миграция и гражданство)
Chair: Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (Centre d'studes des Relations
Internationales, Paris, France) catherine.dewenden@ceri.sciences-po.fr
- Integration and Multiculturalism (Интеграция
и межкультурное взаимодействие)
Chair: Marco Martiniello (Universits de Liиge, Belgium) M.Martiniello@ulg.ac.be
- Migration Policies (Миграционная политика)
Chair: Maria Baganha (University of Coimbra, Portugal) mbaganha@sonata.fe.uc.pt
- Refugee Movements: Resettlement and Resistance (Движения
беженцев: переселение и сопротивление)
Chair: Michael Lanphier, (York University, Toronto, Canada) lanphier@yorku.ca
- Gender and Migration (Гендер и миграция)
Chair: Devanyak Sundaram (University of Madras, India) and Kesav
Kaistha (Panjab University, Chandigar, India) dsundaram@hotmail.com
- Migration and Biography (Миграция и биография)
Chair: Rita Rapoport (University of Haifa, Israel) ritamano@research.haifa.ac.il
- Immigrant and Ethnic Entrepreneurship (Иммигрант
и предпринимательство)
Chair: Lloyd L. Wong (University of Calgary, Canada) llwong@ucalgary.ca
- Transnational Family Interactions (Международное
взаимодействие на семейном уровне)
Chair: Raelene Wilding (University of Western Australia, Perth,
Australia) rae@cyllene.uwa.edu.au
- International Migration in the CIS countries (Международная
миграция в странах СНГ)
Chair: Elena Sadovskaya (Al Farabi Kazakh State University, Kazakhstan)
or ccm@online.ru
- Migration in the Asia Pacific Region (Миграция
в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе)
Chair: Paul Spoonley (Massey University, New Zealand) P.Spoonley@massey.ac.nz
- Migration in China and Chinese Diasporas (Миграция
в Китае и китайские диаспоры)
Chair: Eric Florence (Universitй de Liиge, Belgium) Eric.Florence@ulg.ac.beEric.Florence@ulg.ac.be
- Potential Receiving Countries without Immigration;
How do they Cope? (Потенциальные принимающие страны без иммиграции;
как они справляются?)
Chair: David Bartram (University of Reading, United Kingdom) dbartram@coloradocollege.edu
- New Trends in International Migration Research (Новые
тенденции в исследованиях международных миграций)
Chair: Han Entzinger (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- RC 31 Business Meeting
Joint Sessions with other Research Committees (Объединенные
заседания с другими исследовательскими комитетами):
I. Racism and Migration (Расизм и миграция) (with
RC 05, Race and Ethnic Studies)
Chairs: Lydio Tomasi (Center for Migration Studies, New York,
USA; RC 31) cmslft@aol.com&
Kogila Adam-Moodley (University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Canada; RC 05) kogila.adam-moodley@ubc.ca
II. Migration and the Family (Семья и миграция)
(with RC 06, Family Research)
Chairs: Ursula Mehrlдnder (Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Bonn/Berlin,
RC 31) Ursula.Mehrlaender@fes.de&
Bernhard Nauck (University of Chemnitz-Zwickau, Germany; RC 06)
III. Migration and Development (Миграция и развитие)(with
RC 09, Social Transformations)
Chairs: Han Entzinger (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands;
RC 31) entzinger@fsw.eur.nl&
Ulrike Schuerkens (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; RC 09)
IV. Rising Challenges for the Next Millennium: Globalisation,
Migration, Work and Urbanisation (Вызовы будущего тысячелетия:
глобализация, миграция, работа и урбанизация). Integrative
Panel, to be organised jointly by RC's 02 (Economy and Society),
21 (Regional and Urban Development), 30 (Sociology of Work) and
31 (Sociology of Migration). (to be confirmed; invited speakers
Programme deadlines
Anyone wishing to present a paper in one of the 15 sessions of
RC 31 or in one of the three sessions organised jointly with another
Research Committee should send an abstract directly to the chair
of that session before September 15th, 2001.
By November 1st, 2001 the preliminary programme will be established,
and you will hear whether your paper has been accepted. If a session
has too many papers, you may be programmed for another session than
the one of your first choice.
You should register as a conference participant before January 1st,
2002 in order to have your name appear in the programme and to have
an abstract of your paper published on the Internet.
The programme co-ordinators for RC 31 are Han Entzinger, president
of RC31, at entzinger@fsw.eur.nl
and Lydio Tomasi, secretary-treasurer of RC31, at cmslft@aol.com.
Feel free to contact either of them if you have any queries that
are not related to one specific session.
Одно из организуемых Исследовательским комитетом 31 заседаний
посвящего теме
"Международная миграция в странах СНГ".
Заявки на участие в этом заседании (тезисы доклада объемом
250-500 слов на английском и русском языках) следует не позднее
15 сентября 2001 года направить руководителю заседания д-ру
Елене Садовской (Казахстанский Государственный университет
им. Эль Фараби) по адресу elenasadovskaya@hotmail.com
или ccm@online.ru
либо на адрес Демоскопа: