In 2013, the number of deaths continued to decline, reaching
1,878,000, or 13.1 per 1,000 people
Life expectancy, according to preliminary estimates, has increased
to 70.7 years
Mortality from cardiovascular diseases and external causes
has continued to decrease, but mortality from respiratory diseases
has increased
Mortality from all external causes has decreased by 4.2 %,
but from road accidents by only 0.7 %
After an increase in 2012, infant mortality declined again,
to 8.2 ‰
No plan for State to pay mothers for raising their children
Russians think a woman should put family before career
Inflation in Russia in March is expected to reach 0.8%
Around 50% of Russians have opted for the funded pension
Co-financed pension program could be reserved for government
Around 7-8 million Russians work illegally
Proposal in State Duma to set minimum insurance premiums for
State Duma limits size of golden parachutes for top managers
of state corporations
Government to evaluate effectiveness of implementation of the
national strategy for children and the prospects for its extension
Medvedev will try to extend the “Accessible Environment” program
Ministry of Labor proposes to amend more than 20 laws to improve
services for disabled people
Will life in Russia’s Far East be competitive with life in
its center?
Ministry of Education recommends easing adoption rules for
persons with criminal records
Russia has no issues with French adoption agencies
Russian-Spanish agreement on adoption is in the works
Mothers in business will be eligible for grants of up to 400
thousand rubles
Native Russian speakers will be able to receive Russian citizenship
within three months
Foreign investors and graduates of Russian universities will
be fast-tracked for Russian citizenship
FMS proposes giving Muscovites employment priority in the capital
Authorities decide to create image of “positive migrant” in
Bill in the works to exempt refugees from obtaining a work
FMS to check high-security locations in Moscow for the presence
of illegal migrants
Russia to provide decent conditions of confinement for migrants
awaiting deportation
Russians drinking less, State Duma told
Modernization of health care system’s fixed assets would cost
over 1 trillion rubles
47% of Russians are satisfied with doctors’ quality of work
Armenia records lowest rates of maternal and infant mortality
in the last 20 years
Proposal to fine residents of Moldova for refusing to participate
in the census
In Moldova, a small increase in the economically active population
Kazakhstan’s oldest woman lives in the Jambul region
Ukrainian government may cut pensions of working pensioners
Moldovan government approves 6.5% indexation of pensions as
of April 1
Kazakhstan’s Parliament will consider amendments on increasing
social payments
In Azerbaijan, employment record books will be abolished before
Unemployment in Kazakhstan in February remained unchanged at
Around 22 thousand Ukrainians have inquired into receiving
Russian citizenship
Residents of Crimea to receive Russian passports free of charge
Will dual citizenship be common in the Crimea?
Moldavia simplifies the replacement of Soviet passports with
new IDs
Ukraine removes immigration restrictions for citizens of Moldova
Around 220 thousand citizens of Armenia have been banned entry
to Russia
In 2013 the number of labor migrants from Kirgizia to Russia
grew by 113,000
In 2013 remittances to Transdniestria from abroad reached $211.1
Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry denies reports on refugees from
Ukraine in Russia
There is no mass exodus of Azerbaijanis from the Crimea
Protection of national minorities in Ukraine should be a priority
Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada is preparing new law on languages
Russia has allocated 465 free university places for citizens
of Kirgizia
Since November 30, 2013 102 persons have died in Ukraine as
a result of protests
Astana begins free vaccination of girls against human papillomavirus
Number of prison inmates in Kazakhstan has decreased by 2.5
times compared with the 1980s
Kazakhstan to forbid capital punishment for persons over 63
years of age
In a number of regions of Latvia fertility has fallen dramatically
The oldest person on planet turns 116
65% of Estonia’s residents can’t save any of their salary
In 2013 Spain’s public debt reached a record high
Singapore: the world’s most expensive city
Norway: the best place for women to make a career
Should London’s social services take children away from radical
Italy gets ban on adoptions from Belarus lifted
Might Latvia stop issuing residence permits in exchange for
Unemployment rising in Estonia for the fifth month in a row
In Lithuania unemployment continues to go down
Will Russia give pensions to non-citizens in Latvia?
37% of the rich in the CIS are planning to move to the West
U.S. to reconsider rules for deporting illegal immigrants
Syrians may soon become the largest group of refugees in the
Syrian refugee camp in Jordan will accommodate 130,000 people
Lithuania creating comfortable conditions for asylum-seekers
Haitians demanding compensation for cholera epidemic
Global warming is leading to the spread of malaria in new regions
of Africa
Nearly every third woman in EU is becoming a victim of violence
Women are less prone to autism
Mayors of 14 cities in France have complained to the ECHR,
protesting against gay marriage
Texas court rules unconstitutional ban on gay marriage
Around a million Britons are direct descendants of the Vikings
“Rossiyskaya gazeta – Nedelya” on social problems of Russia
“Kommersant-Vlast” on the Russian government’s social obligations
“Novye izvestiya” on the attitude of Russian employers to women
on maternity leave
“Liter.kz” on the demographic policy of Kazakhstan and Singapore
“Kommersant-Vlast” on the demographic situation in post-Soviet
“Novye izvestiya” and “Kommersant” on simplified Russian citizenship
“Kommersant” on the integration of migrants
“Rossiyskaya gazeta” on patents for employees of legal entities
“Nezavisimaya gazeta” on an “alternative” migration policy
“Slon.ru” on how migrants frighten Russians
“Paruskg.info” on migration from Kirgizia to Russia
“Slovo.kg” on the problems of migrants from Kirgizia
“Deutsche Welle” on migrants from Africa and Spain
“Nezavisimaya gazeta” and “Rossiyskaya Biznes-gazeta” on stimulating
internal migration
“Interfaks”, “Kommersant”, “Polit.ru”, “Gazeta.ru” and “Rossiyskaya
gazeta” on ‘refugees’ from Ukraine
“Izvestia.com.ua” on Ukrainian migrant workers
“Le Figaro” on Crimean Tatars
“Vedomosti” on Ukraine and cooperation with compatriots
“FINANCE.UA” on Ukraine’s pension problems
“Vedomosti” on coaching services for the elderly
“Den” on the situation of women in Ukraine
“Gundogar.org” on 40 manats for Turkmen women
“Novye izvestiya” on the problems of monotowns
“Kommersant’Vlast” on global experience in reviving monotowns
“Kommersant” on new passport information fields
“Novye izvestiya” on the growth of religiosity against the
background of moral decline
“Kommersant” on alcohol breath tests for administrative offenders
“Rossiyskaya gazeta” on infertility and compulsory medical
“Daily Mail” on children born from three parents in the UK
“FINANCE.UA” on the costs of global warming