Vishnevsky Institute of Demography

¹ 1045 - 1046
October 1 - October 14 2024

ISSN 1726-2887

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Contents of Demoscope Weekly issue

¹ 1037-1038

Demographic Barometer

  • Youth of the CIS - demographic touches to the statistical portrait of 2023
    • The number of young people 15-29 years old decreased by 2023 to 50 million people, or 17% of the total population of the CIS
    • The share of young people 15-29 years old varies from 16% of the population of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to 27% of the population of Tajikistan
    • Over the past twenty years, the average age at first marriage has increased in all CIS countries
    • The average age of a mother at the birth of her first child has increased in almost all CIS countries, but to varying degrees
    • In CIS countries, girls who have reached the age of 15 will live from 62 to 64 years more, boys - from 53 to 60 years


  • 6 out of 10 work groups give gifts to colleagues for the birth of a child and only 7% of companies have additional support programs for female employees on maternity leave
  • One in nine mothers in Russia refuses maternity leave in favor of going to work
  • Russians name factors influencing decision to have a child
  • Nutrition practices
  • Living on your own: when young Russians become financially independent

In the vastness of Russia

  • Chernyshenko warns of impending demographic hole in Russia
  • Peskov calls increasing the fertility rate one of Russian government’s priorities
  • Government will create conditions for informed decision on whether to have a child
  • Russian Orthodox Church proposes to increase fertility by allowing university students who give birth to study for free
  • Average life expectancy in Moscow is about 79 years
  • Duma Committee approves bill on tax refunds for families with children
  • No likelihood of introducing six-day workweek in Russia
  • The supply of remote jobs is declining in Russia
  • Migration policy debate needs to be revisited
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed new mechanism for finding irregular migrants
  • Moskalkova calls for “not resorting to repressive measures” in migration
  • More than 30 thousand foreigners have been expelled from Russia since the beginning of 2024
  • Rosobrnadzor will check how migrants pass exams
  • About 54% of compatriot program applicants were unable to demonstrate language proficiency
  • Ministry of Health estimates shortage of doctors and medical staff at almost 100 thousand people
  • Tobacco consumption in Russia is declining, but alcohol consumption is not
  • Ministry of Health approves new clinical recommendations for medical abortion
  • Tenth region of Russia has introduced fines for “inducement to abortion”

World News

  • South Korea President declares national emergency due to demographic problems
  • Working-age population of Ukraine has decreased by 40% since 2021
  • The number of internally displaced people in the world has reached a record level
  • Latvian authorities have obliged all Russians living in the country to pass Latvian language exam
  • Seven Schengen countries have called on EC to find more effective tools to combat migration
  • Biden announces measures to facilitate legalization of 500,000 immigrants in the US
  • Trump promises to impose tariffs on countries that do not fight illegal migration
  • Illegal migrants from Russia and five post-Soviet countries will begin to be deported from the United States
  • Germany plans to return Afghan refugees to their homeland through Uzbekistan
  • Alcohol, tobacco, fossil fuels and ultra-processed foods are responsible for 19 million annual deaths
  • Trump proposes introducing death penalty for drug traffickers in US
  • Vapes and e-cigarettes are a “new threat” to generation Z
  • Covid has become seasonal
  • Anti-vaxxers lose referendum in Switzerland
  • WHO reports first human case of avian flu in Mexico
  • US Surgeon General calls for health warnings to be posted on social media.
  • First physiotherapy clinic with AI doctors will begin operating in UK
  • Same-sex marriage bill approved in Thailand

The newspapers write about…

  • Kommersant and Novye Izvestia on tightening migration policy
  • Novye Izvestia on Russia's declining attractiveness for migrants
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta and TASS on the development of small towns
  • Kommersant on the decline in the population of the Far East
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the standard of living of Russians
  • Kommersant on the shortage of personnel
  • Kommersant on a proposal to include cancer in the list of occupational diseases
  • Kommersant on obesity and the fight against it
  • Rossiyskaya Gazeta and TASS on a cure for cancer
  • Novye Izvestia on vaccination against infectious diseases
  • Kommersant and Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the indexation of pensions for working pensioners
  • Novye Izvestia on a parade of large families
  • TASS on the need to increase fertility
  • TASS on measures to increase fertility
  • Kommersant on free reproductive health exams
  • Kommersant on new abortion requirements
  • Kommersant on supporting students with children
  • Novye Izvestia on family mortgages
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on palliative care
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on Moscow healthcare standards
  • Kommersant on the departure of American insulin from Russia
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on maintaining mental health
  • Gazeta.Ru on escaping from traditional society
  • Kommersant on the return on investment in human capital
  • Telegraph on the demographic situation of Ukraine
  • IA Regnum on the integration of Ukrainians into Czech society
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on deleting open statistical data

Read books and magazines

  • On the state of the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population in 2023
  • The fertility of migrants and minorities in Europe
  • World health statistics 2024. Monitoring health for the SDGS, sustainable development goals
  • Estatisticas Demograficas 2022
  • Statistics on children 2023
  • Through the pages of the journals Demograficheskoye Obozreniye (Demographic Review) and Problemy Prognozirovaniya (Problems of Forecasting)
  • Contents of the European Journal of Population

Profession: researcher

  • XV Ural Demographic Forum. Sustainability of demographic development: determinants and resources
  • Presenting an analytical system on demographic data

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© Demoscope Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887