Vishnevsky Institute of Demography

¹ 1045 - 1046
October 1 - October 14 2024

ISSN 1726-2887

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Contents of Demoscope Weekly issue

¹ 1033-1034

Demographic Barometer

  • Crime in Russia, 2023. Part II
    • In 2023, more than 750 thousand perpetrators of crime were identified
    • Foreign citizens and stateless persons committed 39 thousand crimes in 2023, or 3.9% of the total number of crimes investigated
    • The number of court convictions entering into force decreased in 2023 to 556 thousand people
    • According to Rosstat, there were 418 thousand people in prison at the start of 2023


  • A healthy lifestyle: monitoring by VTsIOM
  • Family disagreements over sharing household responsibilities
  • Domestic violence: attitudes and prevalence
  • Level of xenophobia and interethnic tension, attitudes to those from abroad
  • What are Russians afraid of?

In the vastness of Russia

  • In the first quarter, the number of births in Russia decreased by 3.5%
  • In 41 regions the total fertility rate is lower than for Russia as a whole
  • Authorities intend to lower age at which Russian women have first child
  • Mishustin promises help to regions with difficult demographic situation
  • Healthy life expectancy in the Russian Federation is 61.4 years
  • Maternity capital program will be extended until 2030
  • Organization of housing construction does not meet demographic needs
  • In Russia, conditions for family mortgages may be tied to the number of children
  • Almost 30% of Russians save for their children’s education
  • State Duma refuses to reduce work week from 40 to 39 hours
  • Kolokoltsev announces migration reform
  • Duma explains delay in creating department for migration policy
  • Volodin calls for migrants to be taught Russian in their homeland
  • Migrants now find it harder to obtain the right to work in Russia
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs demands creation of registry to register migrants living in camps
  • Migrant workers commit “4% of the total number of crimes”
  • Healthcare spending in 2024 is 3.7% of GDP
  • Eliminating shortage of healthcare workers will take an average of five years
  • State Duma adopts law on immediate release of seriously ill prisoners
  • Ministry of Education proposes returning behavior assessments to schools

World News

  • South Korea plans to create fertility ministry
  • India needs to create 115 million new jobs by 2030
  • Russians leaving Turkey en masse due to problems with residence permits
  • Finland will introduce bill allowing opening of checkpoints on border with Russia
  • EAEU should take a balanced approach to labor migration issues
  • President of Tajikistan calls migrant issue “very sensitive”
  • Migrant remittances to home countries have increased by 650% since 2000
  • The number of migrants crossing the US-Mexico border more than halved in the first quarter.
  • The number of attempts to enter the USA through the beaches of California has doubled
  • US may speed up process for denying asylum
  • Poland says it will not accept migrants under EU migration pact
  • Slovakia rejects EU migration pact
  • Sexually transmitted infections are on the rise worldwide
  • Number of elderly Japanese with dementia could rise to 5.8 million by 2040
  • WHO joins fight against salt
  • AstraZeneca recalls COVID-19 vaccines worldwide
  • Does Caesarean section reduce the effectiveness of measles vaccines?
  • WHO warns of growing antibiotic resistance in bacteria

The newspapers write about…

  • Novye Izvestia and Nezavisimaya Gazeta on new housing norms
  • Novye Izvestia on new interest rates for family mortgages
  • Novye Izvestia on the shortage of doctors and the problems of the modern healthcare system
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on murder statistics in Russia
  • Kommersant on the need for preferential provision of drugs in the fight against resistant arterial hypertension
  • Kommersant on the impact of magnetic storms on health
  • RBK on the role of artificial intelligence in medicine
  • Kommersant on the fight against ethnic discrimination in hiring
  • Kommersant on the gender ratio among top managers
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the spread of teleworkig
  • Kommersant on the readiness to work overtime
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the dynamics of real disposable income of the population
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the success of graduates with different levels of education
  • Kommersant on the institution of agency labor
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the contribution of human capital to the growth of the Russian economy
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on medical education
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on internally displaced persons
  • Rossiyskaya Gazeta on migrant children in kindergartens and schools
  • RBK on the rules for sending refugees from Finland to Russia
  • Forbes on bride kidnapping in China

Read books and magazines

  • Post-USSR: economy, employment and demography
  • Suburbanization and the future of Russian cities. An introduction to the problem
  • World population in 2024
  • Road safety annual report 2023
  • Migration and cities
  • Through the pages of the magazines DEMIS and Analiz riska zdorov’yu (Health Risk Analysis)
  • Contents of the journal Studies in family planning

Profession: researcher

  • Demographic development of Kazakhstan at the turn of the 21st century (condition and problems). Seminar of the International Laboratory for Population and Health Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • "Migration distance in modern Russia: assessment methodology and calculation results." Scientific seminar of the Institute of Demography "Demographic challenges of the 21st century"
  • 85th anniversary of the birth of Zhanna Antonovna Zayonchkovskaya

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ISSN 1726-2887