Vishnevsky Institute of Demography

¹ 1045 - 1046
October 1 - October 14 2024

ISSN 1726-2887

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Contents of Demoscope Weekly issue

¹ 1031-1032

Demographic Barometer

  • Crime in Russia, 2023. Part I
    • In 2023, 1,947,000 crimes were registered and 21,000 persons died as a result of criminal attacks
    • The crime rate in 2023 was 1,331 registered crimes per 100 thousand people in Russia, ranging from 145 to 2,141 in the regions of the Russian Federation
    • In 2023, the number of crimes against persons decreased by 5.3%, the number of crimes against property - by 2.8%
    • The number of victims in road accidents increased in 2023: deaths by 2.3%, injuries by 4.3%


  • Russians are against the introduction of a tax on childlessness
  • Russian attitudes to gender roles in the family
  • A large family: assessment and attitude
  • The Russian Orthodox Church
  • The role of religion in the life of Russians
  • 49% of Russians do not know the symptoms of diabetes

In the vastness of Russia

  • The total fertility rate in 2023 remained almost unchanged
  • Did maternity capital for first child halt fertility decline?
  • TFR for third and subsequent children increased by 3.6% in 2023
  • Since 2022, 120 civilians have died in the Belgorod region
  • By 2030, life expectancy in the Russian Federation should increase to 78 years
  • Life expectancy of Muscovites in 2023 is above 79 years
  • FAS uncovers 2.8-billion-ruble cartel conspiracy in implementation of national projects
  • About 60% of Russians on a pension continue to work
  • In Russia, demand for blue-collar jobs has grown by 45% in 2024
  • Russian oil companies no longer have enough workers
  • Russia sees sharp increase in size of proposed salaries
  • Are couriers’ wages overtaking those of engineers?
  • At the beginning of 2024, there were 6 million foreigners in Russia
  • Almost 400 foreigners have lost acquired Russian citizenship after tightening of Criminal Code
  • Starting May 1, private companies will not be able to conduct Russian language exams for foreigners
  • The number of people convicted of organizing illegal migration in 2023 increased by 27%
  • Incidence of HIV and tuberculosis in Russia at historical low
  • Russians have begun drinking less in terms of pure alcohol
  • In Russia, retail sales of cigarettes decreased in 2023
  • In pilot regions, the number of abortions up to 12 weeks decreased by 24%
  • Ministry of Health removes antibiotics and hormones from standard treatment of ARVI

World News

  • Population of India is 1.442 billion people
  • Number of births in Germany is lowest since 2013
  • The total number of children in Japan has fallen for the 43rd year in a row.
  • In Germany, the difference in life expectancy between rich and poor areas has increased
  • Georgian parliament considering possibility of banning marriage for those under 18
  • Workforce in Ukraine has fallen by more than a quarter in two years
  • Are there too few people working in Germany?
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan reports mass refusals of entry into Russia
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan advises its citizens not to travel to Russia
  • Kyrgyz authorities have recommended that citizens avoid traveling to Russia
  • EU to strike deal with Lebanon to reduce refugee influx
  • EU allocates ˆ1 billion to Lebanon until 2027 in exchange for reforms and fight against migration
  • UK has begun detaining illegal migrants to be sent to Rwanda.
  • Sweden intends to increase the number of deportations of migrant criminals
  • Immunization has saved more than 150 million lives over last 50 years
  • 463 human deaths from avian influenza reported in 23 countries over 20 years
  • Next pandemic will likely be caused by flu virus
  • Three out of four COVID-19 patients received unnecessary antibiotics
  • Heat-related deaths in Europe have increased by 30% over past two decades
  • Women more likely than men to suffer from non-fatal health problems
  • Did China subsidize US opioid epidemic?

The newspapers write about...

  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta, RBK and Moskovsky Komsomolets on new national goals and projects
  • Kommersant and Rossiyskaya Gazeta on national project healthcare goals
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on Russia’s demographic challenges
  • Kommersant on potential for fertility growth
  • Kommersant on the future of demographic policy
  • Novye Izvestia on the growth of natural decrease
  • Novye Izvestia on the epidemiological consequences of floods
  • Kommersant on anti-vaxxers
  • Rossiyskaya Gazeta on preventing dangerous infections with vaccines
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on the increase in measles incidence rates
  • Novye Izvestia on dengue fever
  • Kommersant on using mass medical exams to assess reproductive health
  • Novye Izvestia on healthcare system audit
  • Bloomberg, RBK, and Novye Izvestia on the percentage of Russians who have returned
  • Kommersant on tightening rules for migrant worker stays
  • Kommersant on checks of Tajik migrants at the border
  • Kommersant and Rossiyskaya Gazeta on Russian language exams for foreigners
  • RBK on court sentences for foreigners
  • TASS on the British idea to send illegal migrants to Rwanda
  • RBK on improving methods for assessing the income and expenses of Russians
  • Novye Izvestia on the labor market deficit
  • Novye Izvestia on filling the shortage of health workers
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on the decline in labor mobility
  • Kommersant on increased staff turnover
  • Kommersant on the training of medical personnel in classical and medical universities
  • Kommersant on a comfortable visa regime for qualified foreigners
  • Novye Izvestia on the slowdown in the dying out of the Non-Black Earth Region thanks to dacha owners
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on victims of terrorist attacks
  • Novye Izvestia on attitudes towards the death penalty

Read books and magazines

  • Comparative population history of Eastern Asia
  • Levels & trends in child mortality report 2023
  • Population and housing census of the Kyrgyz Republic 2022. Book II part 3. Migration of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Population prospects of countries in special situations. Tracking demographic change among the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states
  • A focus on adolescent peer violence and bullying in Europe, Central Asia and Canada
  • Through the pages of the journals Sotsialnye aspekty zdorovya naseleniya (Social Aspects of Population Health) and Vestnik MGU. Seriya 6. Ekonomika (The Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 6. Economics)
  • Contents of the magazine Genus

Profession: researcher

  • Labor migration from Central Asia to Moscow. Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists
  • Happy birthday to Natalya Georgievna Dzhanaeva
  • Happy birthday to Vladimir Izyavich Mukomel
  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Arkhangelsky turns 70
  • Congratulations to Vladimir Kozlov on the birth of Elena the Beautiful!

New in the reading room

  • Decree on national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 and further until 2036

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© Demoscope Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887