Vishnevsky Institute of Demography

¹ 1045 - 1046
October 1 - October 14 2024

ISSN 1726-2887

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Contents of Demoscope Weekly issue

¹ 1029-1030

Demographic Barometer

  • Older generations of Russians, 2024
    • People over working age make up 24.5% of the total population of Russia, in 2045 their share may exceed 27%
    • The demographic burden of older ages is 430 people over working age per 1000 people of working age; in 2045 it could range from 461 to 514
    • The share of the population over working age varies from 10% to 30% of the population of the regions of the Russian Federation
    • At the mortality rate of 2022, 62% of boys and 84% of girls born will survive to the age of 65 in Russia


  • Reproductive health of Russians: men vs. women
  • One in six Russians rates state family policy highly, one in three believes its effectiveness has increased
  • Russians on technologies in medicine and chipping
  • Emigration sentiments and attitudes towards those who left: March 2024
  • Housing for a young family: from needs to plans
  • Russians say at what age they would like to retire

In the vastness of Russia

  • Could Russia's population grow to 160 million people?
  • Central Bank proposes six steps to combat poverty
  • Almost 60% of Russians are ready to pay for their child’s college education
  • Secondary education system will be adjusted to the needs of the economy
  • More than half of Russian companies allow their employees to work remotely
  • Almost half of job applicants are interested in the manufacturing sector
  • Ambulance workers were not included among those receiving additional payments
  • Demand of Russian IT-specialists for residence permit programs in Europe has sharply increased
  • Klishas calls for finding balance between migration security and the need for labor
  • State Duma approves bill to combat fictive marriages of migrants
  • Kaliningrad region introduces support measures for repatriates
  • Five universities warn against violating Russian exam requirements for migrants
  • Russian Language Institute proposes changing exams for migrants
  • Over 400 migrants expelled from Moscow after Crocus terrorist attack
  • Ministry of Finance again proposes increasing minimum vodka price to 299 rubles
  • Around 700 thousand patients with hepatitis C in Russia
  • Due to iodine deficiency, more than 3 million adults and 400 thousand children require endocrinological care every year
  • By December, 173 thousand people will receive medical care at home
  • Russia launches mass weight loss experiment
  • Only 13% of Russians surveyed rate their health negatively
  • National vaccination calendar will include four more vaccines

World News

  • Japan's indigenous population fell by 837 thousand people over year
  • The share of young Ukrainian men aged 20 to 30 has dropped to a minimum
  • Israel to introduce electronic entry permit system for tourists
  • European Parliament votes for tough reform of EU migration policy
  • Hungarian government will not support new EU Migration Pact
  • Polish Prime Minister calls EU migration pact unacceptable for his country
  • Heads of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Finland and Estonia try to solve migration problems together
  • Britain needs freedom of action to tackle illegal migration
  • Tajikistan calls for sensible management of labor migration
  • Senate of Kazakhstan approves ban on entry into the country of foreigners convicted of pedophilia, extremism and terrorism
  • 700 carriers of illegal migrants detained at German borders over six months
  • Mortality from COVID-19 in the world decreased by 41% in March
  • Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men in more than 100 countries
  • Mental health of world’s youth is worse than that of older groups
  • Kazakhstan Senate adopts law on protection of victims of domestic violence
  • Dushanbe needs $111 million to improve air quality and reduce deaths
  • Increasing brain size helps fight Alzheimer's disease
  • One person in the world has an average of nine sexual partners in a lifetime

The newspapers write about…

  • Rossiyskaya Gazeta on migration policy
  • RBK on reform of EU migration legislation
  • Kommersant on ways to fill personnel shortage in Russia
  • RBK on Russian language exams for migrants
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on Russia’s participation in international research and its results
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on long-term savings program
  • RBK on "squeezing out" pensioners from public sector
  • Vedomosti on the fight against fictitious marriages
  • Novye Izvestia on the increase in the number of divorces
  • RBK on single-parent families in Russia
  • on transferring children to home schooling
  • Vedomosti on fertility of children of different birth orders
  • Forbes on the advantages and disadvantages of different types of contraception
  • Kommersant on the fight against vaping
  • Novye Izvestia on the departure of foreign pharmaceutical companies
  • Kommersant on preventing iodine deficiency
  • Kommersant on the decriminalization of medical practice
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on the survival rate of patients with cancer
  • Novye Izvestia on the rating of comfortable cities
  • Kommersant on tightening weapons regulations
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on measuring poverty

Read books and magazines

  • Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe 2024. 2022 data
  • Denmark. Health Systems in Transition
  • Population studies in the Western Balkans
  • Population and Housing Census of the Kyrgyz Republic 2022
  • Migration policy in Russia: trends and development paths
  • Through the pages of the journals Voprosy Statistiki (Issues of Statistics) and Mediko-sotsialnaya ekspertiza i reabilitatsiya (Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation)
  • Contents of the journal "Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health"

Profession: researcher

  • 130 years since the birth of Boleslav Yakovlevich Smulevich

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© Demoscope Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887