Vishnevsky Institute of Demography

¹ 1045 - 1046
October 1 - October 14 2024

ISSN 1726-2887

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Contents of Demoscope Weekly issue

¹ 1019-1020

Demographic barometer

  • The world's least developed countries: demographic past, present and future (part 2)
    • The population of the least developed countries remains quite young; its age-sex composition is changing slowly, but changes will accelerate in the coming decades
    • The median age of the population of the least developed countries is slightly more than 19 years, while that of the world population is 30
    • Since the mid-2010s, the least developed countries have had the fastest growing population of people aged 65 and over
    • The share of children 0-14 years of age in the population of the least developed countries has decreased to 39%, the share of people 65 years of age and older is approaching 4%
    • The demographic burden is decreasing among younger ages, and gradually increasing among older ages


  • Women with a salary of 100 thousand rubles or more do not want to become housewives even if they have a well-earning husband
  • Women entrepreneurs
  • Attitudes towards men taking paternity leave
  • Global study sounds alarm on women's health
  • Progress and barriers in the integration of Russian emigrants

In the vastness of Russia

  • The population of Russia in 2023 decreased by 244 thousand people
  • By 2046, Moscow and the region will experience its greatest natural population decrease
  • Putin considers it necessary for families to be “born earlier” in Russia
  • Russians name ideal age to start a family
  • Since 2020, 1.9 million families have received maternity capital at birth of first child
  • Unemployment in the Russian Federation in December 2023 was 3%
  • In 2023, the main problem for most employers was finding employees
  • Plan to resettle Russians from megacities is doomed to failure
  • Among cities with a population of over a million, moving to a private house is most profitable in Omsk, Kazan and Krasnoyarsk
  • Net migration in Russia down by 90 thousand people
  • Bill on conscription of 50-year-old migrants is withdrawn from State Duma
  • Murashko reports breakthrough in treatment of cancer in Russia
  • In 2024 IVF procedure will become more accessible
  • Rejection of new WHO classification of diseases is explained by traditional values

World News

  • The population of Poland decreased by 137 thousand people in 2023
  • Fertility in Ukraine has been falling for 10 years
  • Ukraine needs “strong immigration”
  • Each additional year of education reduces the risk of early death by 2%
  • India has become world's fastest growing economy
  • US economy growing faster than that of European countries
  • The number of jobs in US in January grew significantly more than expected
  • Only a fifth of Ukrainian refugees in Germany work
  • Finland will extend border crossing restrictions with Russia for another two months
  • Texas builds barriers on border with Mexico due to influx of migrants
  • Trump announces plans to close US border if re-elected
  • Vilnius schools will no longer teach Russian as a second language
  • Mongolia ranks first in the world in cancer mortality
  • WHO predicts global increase in cancer incidence

The newspapers write about…

  • RBK and on the demographic forecast at the regional level
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on the impact of environmental problems on public health
  • Novye Izvestia on protecting single mothers from being fired
  • Novye Izvestia on the difficulties in terminating an unwanted pregnancy
  • Kommersant on "intolerance towards childlessness"
  • Novye Izvestia on adopting disabled persons
  • American Thinker and Forbes on the migration crisis in the US
  • RBK on migrants and migration in Russia
  • Kommersant on the search for migrants from far abroad
  • Kommersant on the latest records of personnel shortage
  • RBK on statistics on foreigners' trips to Russia
  • on simplifying the granting of citizenship in Germany
  • Esli byt’ tochnym on social mobility
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta and Expert on the middle class and social inequality
  • RBK on extinct languages according to population census data
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on strategies to combat smoking
  • Novye Izvestia on vaping
  • Kommersant on allowing rural hospitals to sell medicines
  • Kommersant on the impact of education on life expectancy
  • Nezavisimaya Gazeta on ways to increase life expectancy
  • Kommersant on permission to sell emergency contraception over the counter
  • Rzeczpospolita on the prospects for the return of refugees in Ukraine

Read books and magazines

  • Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia
  • Demographic processes in the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Global status report on road safety 2023
  • World Population Ageing 2023
  • The demographic handbook of Armenia, 2023
  • Through the pages of the magazines Problemy sotsialnoy gigieny, zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny (Problems of Social Hygiene, Health Care and History of Medicine) and Rossiyskiy onkologicheskiy zhurnal (Russian Journal of Oncology)
  • Contents of the Journal of Marriage and Family

Profession: researcher

  • Factors in fatherhood and motherhood in large families. Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists
  • Dynamics of the ethnolinguistic structure of the population in the post-Soviet space (according to the 2020 census round). Scientific seminar of the Laboratory of Population Economics and Demography of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University
  • Accumulated years: Life expectancy in Russia is projected to rise

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ISSN 1726-2887