Институт демографии НИУ ВШЭ имени А.Г. Вишневского

№ 1039 - 1040
20 августа - 2 сентября 2024

ISSN 1726-2891

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Демографическое самочувствие регионов России

A Focus On Adolescent Substance Use In Europe, Central Asia and Canada

World population prospects 2024. Summary of results

Перепись населения и жилищного фонда Кыргызской Республики 2022 года. Экономическая активность и занятость населения Кыргызстана

Migrations in the Mediterranean

По страницам журналов «Здоровье, демография, экология финно-угорских народов» и «Мир России. Социология и этнология»

Содержание журнала «Demographic Research»

Web demoscope.ru


Росток, Германия


Volume 50

Article 3

Leaving and returning to the parental home during COVID times in France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom
Francesca Luppi, Alessandro Rosina, Emiliano Sironi

Article 4

Mind the gap: Exploring urban–rural differences in US inter-county migration decisions
Anqi Xu

Article 5

Does the fulfillment of contraceptive method preferences affect contraceptive continuation? Evidence from urban Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal
Carolina Cardona, David Bishai, Phil Anglewicz

Article 6

The optimal transition to a stationary population for concentrated vitality rates
Gustav Feichtinger, Stefan Wrzaczek

Article 7

Immigrant mortality advantage in the United States during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
Eugenio Paglino, Irma T. Elo

Article 8

War and mobility: Using Yandex web searches to characterize intentions to leave Russia after its invasion of Ukraine
Athina Anastasiadou, Artem Volgin, Douglas R. Leasure

Article 9

Fertility decline, changes in age structure, and the potential for demographic dividends: A global analysis
Markus Dörflinger, Elke Loichinger

Article 10

Measuring short-term mobility patterns in North America using Facebook advertising data, with an application to adjusting COVID-19 mortality rates
Lindsay Katz, Michael Chong, Monica Alexander

Article 11

Longevity à la mode: A discretized derivative tests method for accurate estimation of the adult modal age at death
Paola Vazquez-Castillo, Marie-Pier Bergeron-Boucher, Trifon Missov

Article 12

Ageing and diversity: Inequalities in longevity and health in low-mortality countries
Cosmo Strozza, Viviana Egidi, Maria Rita Testa, Graziella Caselli

Article 13

Cohort fertility of immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union
Gustavo Shifris, Barbara S. Okun

Article 14

Religious affiliation and child mortality in Ireland: A country-wide analysis based on the 1911 Census
Lucia Pozzi, Francesco Scalone, Michail Raftakis, Liam Kennedy

Article 15

Losing the female survival advantage: Sex differentials in infant and child mortality in Pakistan
Batool Zaidi

Article 16

The big decline: Lowest-low fertility in Uruguay (2016–2021)
Wanda Cabella, Mariana Fernández Soto, Ignacio Pardo, Gabriela Pedetti

Article 17

Racial classification as a multistate process
Jerônimo Muniz, Aliya Saperstein, Bernardo Lanza Queiroz

Article 18

Mortality inequalities at retirement age between migrants and non-migrants in Denmark and Sweden
Julia Callaway, Cosmo Strozza, Sven Drefahl, Eleonora Mussino, Ilya Kashnitsky

Article 19

Housework time and task segregation: Revisiting gender inequality among parents in 15 European countries
Joan García Román, Ariane Ophir

Article 20

Differences in mortality before retirement: The role of living arrangements and marital status in Denmark
Serena Vigezzi, Cosmo Strozza

Article 21

Religion and contraceptive use in Kazakhstan: A study of mediating mechanisms
Maxim Kan

Article 22

Subnational contribution to life expectancy and life span variation changes: Evidence from the United States
Wen Su, Alyson van Raalte, Jose Manuel Aburto, Vladimir Canudas-Romo

Article 23

Age-heterogamous partnerships: Prevalence and partner differences by marital status and gender composition
Tony Silva, Christine Percheski

Article 24

How lifespan and life years lost equate to unity
Annette Baudisch, Jose Manuel Aburto

Article 25

The importance of correcting for health-related survey non-response when estimating health expectancies: Evidence from The HUNT Study
Fred Schroyen

Article 26

The importance of education for understanding variability of dementia onset in the United States
Hyungmin Cha, Mateo Farina, Chi-Tsun Chiu, Mark D. Hayward

Article 27

The influence of parental cancer on the mental health of children and young adults: Evidence from Norwegian register data on healthcare consultations
Øystein Kravdal, Jonathan Wörn, Rannveig Hart, Bjørn-Atle Reme

Article 28

Mortality modelling with arrival of additional year of mortality data: Calibration and forecasting
Kenny Kam Kuen Mok, Chong It Tan, Jinhui Zhang, Yanlin Shi

Article 29

The intergenerational transmission of migration capital: The role of family migration history and lived migration experiences
Aude Bernard, Francisco Perales

Article 30

Standardized mean age at death (MADstd): Exploring its potentials as a measure of human longevity
Markus Sauerberg, Marc Luy

Article 31

A new look at contraceptive prevalence plateaus in sub-Saharan Africa: A probabilistic approach
Mark Wheldon, Vladimíra Kantorová, Joseph Molitoris, Aisha Dasgupta

Article 32

Gone and forgotten? Predictors of birth history omissions in India
Sharan Sharma, Sonalde Desai, Debasis Barik, Om Prakash Sharma

Article 33

Migration, daily commuting, or second residence? The role of location-specific capital and distance to workplace in regional mobility decisions
Thomas Skora, Knut Petzold, Heiko Rüger

Article 34

Are highly educated partners really more gender egalitarian? A couple-level analysis of social class differentials in attitudes and behaviors
Liat Raz-Yurovich, Barbara S. Okun

Article 35

Pathways and obstacles to parenthood among women in same-sex couples in Spain
Diederik Boertien , Clara Cortina, Mariona Lozano

Article 36

Incorporating subjective survival information in mortality and change in health status predictions: A Bayesian approach
Apostolos Papachristos, Dimitrios Fouskakis

Article 37

The effect of migration and time spent abroad on migrants’ health: A home/host country perspective
Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Eralba Cela, Eleonora Trappolini

Article 38

International completeness of death registration
Ariel Karlinsky

Article 39

Which definition of migration better fits Facebook ‘expats’? A response using Mexican census data
Tania Varona, Claudia Masferrer, Victoria Prieto Rosas, Martín Pedemonte

Article 40

Decomposition analysis of disparities in infant mortality rates across 27 US states
Benjamin Sosnaud

Article 41

Two-dimensional contour decomposition: Decomposing mortality differences into initial difference and trend components by age and cause of death
Dmitri Jdanov, Domantas Jasilionis, Vladimir Shkolnikov

Article 42

Uncovering disability-free grandparenthood in Italy between 1998 and 2016 using gender-specific decomposition
Margherita Moretti, Elisa Cisotto, Alessandra De Rose

Article 43

Open science practices in demographic research: An appraisal
Ugofilippo Basellini

Article 44

The Average Uneven Mortality index: Building on the ‘e-dagger’ measure of lifespan inequality
Marco Bonetti, Ugofilippo Basellini, Andrea Nigri

Article 45

Predictive utility of key family planning indicators on dynamic contraceptive outcomes: Results from longitudinal surveys in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Uganda, and Côte d'Ivoire
Amy Tsui, Dana Sarnak, Phil Anglewicz, Fredrick Makumbi, Georges Guiella, Peter Gichangi, Rosine Mosso, Saifuddin Ahmed

Article 46

Between money and intimacy: Brideprice, marriage, and women’s position in contemporary China
Yifeng Wan

Article 47

Using Respondent-Driven Sampling to measure abortion safety in restrictive contexts: Results from Kaya (Burkina Faso) and Nairobi (Kenya)
Lonkila Moussa Zan, Onikepe Owolabi, Adama Baguiya, Ramatou Ouedraogo, Martin Bangha, Caron Kim, Clémentine Rossier

Volume 51

Article 1

Developing and implementing the UN's probabilistic population projections as a milestone for Bayesian demography: An interview with Adrian Raftery
Monica Alexander, Adrian E. Raftery

Article 2

Climate change and fertility desires: An experimental study among university students in Belgium and Italy
Sara Bisi, Nadia Sturm, Jan Van Bavel

Article 3

Lessons from the pandemic: Gender inequality in childcare and the emergence of a gender mental health gap among parents in Germany
Nicole Hiekel, Mine Kühn

Article 4

Introducing the Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey 2022
Caroline Krafft, Ragui Assaad, Ruby Cheung

Article 5

Impact of family policies and economic situation on low fertility in Tehran, Iran: A multi-agent-based modeling
Nasibeh Esmaeili, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi

Article 6

Climate change and health transitions: Evidence from Antananarivo, Madagascar
Jordan Klein, Anjarasoa Rasoanomenjanahary

Article 7

Socio-behavioral factors contributing to recent mortality trends in the United States
Samuel Preston, Yana Vierboom, Mikko Myrskylä

Article 8

Using household death questions from surveys to assess adult mortality in periods of health crisis: An application for Peru, 2018–2022
José Henrique Costa Monteiro da Silva, Helena Cruz Castanheira

Article 9

Data errors in mortality estimation: Formal demographic analysis of under-registration, under-enumeration, and age misreporting
Carl Schmertmann, Bernardo Lanza Queiroz, Marcos Gonzaga

Article 10

The short- and long-term determinants of fertility in Uruguay
Zuleika Ferre, Patricia Triunfo, José-Ignacio Antón

Article 11

A multidimensional global migration model for use in cohort-component population projections
Lucas Kluge, Orlando Olaya-Bucaro, Samir KC, Dilek Yildiz, Guy Abel, Jacob Schewe

Article 12

Trajectories of US parents’ divisions of domestic labor throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
Richard Petts, Daniel Carlson

Article 13

Projection of US adult obesity trends based on individual BMI trajectories
Nicolas Todd, Mikko Myrskylä

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ISSN 1726-2887