Contents of Demoscope Weekly issue

## 545-546

Current topic: Whither marriage in Russia?

  • Favorable conditions for growth in the number of marriages

  • The mean age of both grooms and brides rises

  • The causes of fluctuations in the number of divorces over the past decade are hard to explain

  • The prevalence of divorces “with children”

  • By age 30 over 40% of men and one in four women have never been married

  • An insignificant increase in the proportion of divorced and separated couples between censuses

  • Fewer elderly widows

  • The proportion of married couples continues to decrease

  • Links to current topic

  • Topics of previous issues

Russian demographic barometer

  • Net migration in Russia in 2012 decreased by 8% compared to 2011, reaching 295 thousand people

  • Russia’s greatest net migration still comes from its migration exchange with Uzbekistan – 56.3 thousand people in 2012

  • The intensity of domestic migration increased in 2012 by 23%

  • In 2012 the population of all subjects of the Federation, except for the Astrakhan region, continued to grow due to migration exchange with CIS countries, but in most of them it shrank as a result of migration exchange with other regions of Russia

  • At the end of 2012 1149 thousand foreign nationals held work permits in Russia

    nAalytical news

    • Historical types of marriage in Europe

    • Marriage trends in Belarus

    • Shotgun marriage

    • The egalitarian family in Russia

    • Russian women and emancipation: an unfinished project

    • Unofficial marriage and marriage-like unions

    • Extramarital motherhood

    Interactive poll

  • How do you like the new registration rules? Polling results

    Recent polls

  • Russians on sex education

  • Russians on religious education

  • Where to find your “other half”?

  • The law on “rubber” apartments: pros and cons

  • The anti-smoking law: evaluation and consequences

    Russian news

1. Could the population size of Russia reach 150 million by 2020-2025?

2. New pension formula to be proposed to the government by April 1

3. Government limits growth of utility rates to no more than 6% per year

4. Ministry of Health proposes to increase contributions to the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund

5. Government revenue from privatization in 2013 will be 427 billion rubles

6. In 2013 the average salary of Moscow kindergarten teachers will rise to 47 thousand rubles

7. Vladimir Putin does not rule out the possibility of retaining the maternity capital after 2016 for low-income families

8. A 4.5-fold increase in payments to unemployed parents of disabled children

9. Medvedev proposes to create in Russia a consultative body for the protection of orphans

10. Russia: the leader among CIS countries in a ranking of competitiveness in tourism

11. The number of unemployed in Russia increased in January to 652 thousand people

12. The state to create high-paying jobs and increase salaries in the public sector

13. Communist Party to submit bill on the introduction of visas for migrants from Central Asia

14. 3.3 million foreigners in Russia overstayed their legally allotted time

15. Kuban Governor calls for complete abolition of quotas for unskilled migrants

16. Every migrant worker planning to work in Russia will have to know at least 800 words of Russian

17. State Duma proposes to tie opportunities of migrant workers to their knowledge of the Russian language

18. Vladimir Putin signs anti-smoking law

19. Incidence of HIV-infection in Russia goes down

20. Migrants: a source of TB infection in St. Petersburg

21. 33 cases of “swine flu” in Kamchatka

22. By 2017 Russia will build 34 perinatal centers and 74 children’s hospitals

23. Ministry of Health again asks regions not to eliminate rural maternity hospitals

24. Ministry of Health will continue to create a “three-tier” system of medical care

25. Artificial insemination in Russia to be covered by mandatory medical insurance

26. Government to consider bill on organ donation in 2014

27. Ministry of Health approves Drug Supply Strategy for Russians until 2025

Eurasian Panorama

1. The population of Belarus decreases, and the labor supply along with it

2. The Ministry of Economics of Belarus is concerned about the reduction in the labor supply

3. 99.4% of the inhabitants of Tajikistan are Muslim

4. Belarus now among the five poorest countries in the world

5. Living standards in Belarus up

6. 9 thousand marriage contracts concluded in Ukraine in last 9 years

7. Azerbaijan strengthens social protection of children deprived of parental care

8. Public service and business still “closed” for Azerbaijani women

9. Ukrainian women and men far from being equal

10. About 1.9 thousand people in Tajikistan given jobs in January

11. Russia promises to ease visa regime for citizens of Georgia by the summer

12. Citizens of Russia and Kazakhstan allowed not to register for the first 30 days of their stay

13. Foreigners in Azerbaijan will be exempt from residency registration

14. The status of Ukrainian abroad given to 6913 persons from 54 countries since 2004

15. Belarus intends to “open its doors” to migrant workers

16. Is depopulation in Belarus pushing the authorities towards crazy schemes?

17. Labor migration will significantly lower the attractiveness of the “Belarusian model”

18. Around half a million citizens of Kirgizia entered Russia in 2012

19. Migrant workers to be allowed to work for private individuals in Kazakhstan for one year

20. Azerbaijan Fund for Social Protection and Migration Service will jointly oversee efforts to attract foreign migrant workers

21. Residents of Kiev need palliative care

22. Experts note acute problems in Ukraine with treatment of rare diseases

23. Ukraine the first CIS country to allow stem cell therapy

24. In Georgia universal health insurance program goes into force

    World news

1. World’s oldest woman celebrates 115th birthday

2. Estonian citizens feel themselves to be citizens of the European Union

3. GDP forecast for the Eurozone in 2013 revised downwards

4. 2012 year-end puts “dirty salary” in Estonia at 916 euros

5. Swiss citizens have decided in a referendum to limit executive pay

6. For the first time Asia has more billionaires than America

7. Mali receives 36 tons of humanitarian aid from Russia

8. The journal Nature investigates discrimination against women in science

9. Latvian experts call for more efficient use of EU funds to promote employment

10. Latvia to receive 80 million euros from the EU to fight youth unemployment

11. Great Britain to tighten immigration laws

12. Immigrants assimilate better in Tallinn than in Helsinki

13. Germany opens its labor market to graduates of vocational schools

14. The number of Syrian refugees in neighboring countries reaches 940 thousand

15. The number of Syrian refugees in Turkey nears 300 thousand

16. Lebanon and Jordan have not received the promised assistance in providing shelter for Syrian refugees

17. Armenian diaspora in Latvia: the biggest in the Baltic States

18. U.S. doctors succeeded in curing child with HIV

19. 247 “cancer villages” in China

20. Texas authorities call the death of adopted Maxim Kuzmin an accident

21. Saudi Arabia announces seventh victim of a new coronavirus

22. Fukushima accident does not pose health risk for people living outside of Japan

23. Japan introduces new national system of tsunami warnings

24. U.S. Department of Health accuses Medicare of wasting money

25. Scientists have significantly “aged” man’s oldest ancestor

    The Newspapers write…

  • “Izvestiya” and “Rossiskaya Gazeta” on population policy

  • “Izvestiya” on a large-family forum

  • “” on family policy in France

  • “Golos Rossii” on population policy

  • “Rossiskaya Gazeta” on benefits instead of the maternity capital

  • “” on limiting the size of maternity benefits in Kazakhstan

  • “Kommersant” on bills to help orphans

  • “Novye Izvestiya” on public supervision of orphans

  • “Kommersant” on adoption in the U.S.

  • “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” on the financial problems of Russian health care

  • “Novye Izvestiya” on the closing of district hospitals

  • “Tages anzeiger” on curing a baby of AIDS

  • “Novye Izvestiya” on insurance premiums and wages

  • “” on the future of the welfare state

  • “Rossiskaya Gazeta – Nedelya” on a new scale of life cycles

  • “Handelsblatt” on youth unemployment in the EU

  • “Vedomosti” on the tax burden and intergenerational transfers

  • “Nezavisamaya Gazeta” on labor resource problems in Russia

  • “Ekspert” and “Vedomosti” on labor resource problems in China

  • “” on vocational training and human resource problems in Tajikistan

  • “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” and “Vedomosti” on the problem of illegal migration in Russia

  • “Novye Izvestiya” and “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” on tightening registration and the new role of the DEZes (housing management centers)

  • “Vedomosti” on voluntary police helpers to fight illegal migration

  • “Izvestiya” on the reorganization of the Federal Migration Service of Russia

  • “” on labor migration in Tajikistan

  • “” on labor migration from Turkmenistan to Turkey

  • “Rossiskaya Gazeta – Nedelya” on the possible limitation on young women exiting Kirgizia

  • “Regnum” on labor migration from Belarus to Russia

  • “FINANCE.UA” on internal labor migration in Ukraine

  • “Ekho” on internal labor migration in Azerbaijan

  • “Den’” on statelessness in Ukraine

  • “Novye Izvestiya” on refugees in Russia

  • “FINANCE.UA” on “smart borders” of the EU

  • “Die Presse” on migration limitations within the EU

  • “Ekspert” on U.S. migration policy

  • “” on Islam in France

  • “” on mosques as an indicator of Moscow’s unclear ethnic and religious policies

  • “Vedomosti” on the responsibility of local authorities for ethnic conflicts

  • “Novaya Gazeta” on Muscovites and non-Muscovites

  • “Ogonyok” on social mobility for women

  • “Kommersant-Dengi” on women and the economy

  • “Vecherni Bishkek” on the economic rights of women in Kirgizia

    New Publications

  • 1. A methodology to evaluate the impact of structural and socio-economic factors on the dynamics of the number of births and deaths

  • 2. UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2012

  • 3. Social status and standard of living in Russia 2012

  • 4. Main indicators of maternal and child health, activities of the child welfare and obstetrics service in the Russian Federation

  • 5. Online surveys in Russia 3.0

  • 6. Through the pages of the journals “Problems of Social Hygiene, Health and the History of Medicine” and “Living standards in the regions of Russia”

  • 7. Contents of the journal “Population Bulletin”

    Profession: researcher

  • Microdata of Russian censuses in Internet. Meeting of the Statistics section of the Central House of Scientists

  • 130 years since the death of Louis-Adolphe Bertillon

    From the history of demographic thought

  • August Bebel. Fragments from the book “Woman and Socialism”

    Book anniversary

  • Boris Grushin. Divorce in the USSR

    New in the Reading Room

  • Boris Grushin. Divorce in the USSR

    Refresh your memory!

  • 1976.Reflections on divorce

  • G. Naan. He, she and the second law of thermodynamics

  • A. Vishnevsky. Marriage: Can it be managed?

    Student page

  • 1. Master’s program “Demography”: the view from within

  • 2. “Reproductive behavior of Muscovites”: a joint meeting of the Student Society “Demography” and the Laboratory of Socio-demographic Policy of the Higher School of Economics

  • 3. “Mortality from external causes in Russia”: an open meeting of research-study group “Demographic analysis of mortality”


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 © Äåìîñêîï Weekly
ISSN 1726-2887

Äåìîñêîï Weekly èçäàåòñÿ ïðè ïîääåðæêå:
Ôîíäà ÎÎÍ ïî íàðîäîíàñåëåíèþ (UNFPA) - (c 2001 ã.)
Ôîíäà Äæîíà Ä. è Êýòðèí Ò. Ìàêàðòóðîâ - (ñ 2004 ã.)
Ôîíäà íåêîììåð÷åñêèõ ïðîãðàìì "Äèíàñòèÿ" - (ñ 2008 ã.)
Ðîññèéñêîãî ãóìàíèòàðíîãî íàó÷íîãî ôîíäà - (2004-2007)
Íàöèîíàëüíîãî èíñòèòóòà äåìîãðàôè÷åñêèõ èññëåäîâàíèé (INED) - (ñ 2004 ã.)
ÞÍÅÑÊÎ - (2001), Áþðî ÞÍÅÑÊÎ â Ìîñêâå - (2005)