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6 - 19 марта 2017

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Между домом и ... домом. Возвратная пространственная мобильность населения России

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Demographic indicators of Azerbaijan

The future of historical demography. Upside down and inside out

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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Volume 42, 2016

Issues 4

European migration governance since the Lisbon treaty


European migration governance since the Lisbon treaty: introduction to the special issue
James Hampshire

Multilevelling EU external governance: the role of international organizations in the diffusion of EU migration policies
Sandra Lavenex

Speaking with one voice? The European Union's global approach to migration and mobility and the limits of international migration cooperation
James Hampshire

In the shadow of fortress Europe? Impacts of European migration governance on Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia
Andrew Geddes & Andrew Taylor

Geopolitics as a migration governance strategy: European Union bilateral relations with Southern Mediterranean countries
Michael Collyer

Framing competitiveness: the advocacy of migration as an essential human resources strategy in Europe
Georg Menz

Trading numbers vs. rights? Accounting for liberal and restrictive dynamics in the evolution of asylum and refugee policies
Eiko Thielemann & Mogens Hobolth

Book Review Symposium

Ethnic minority migrants in Britain and France: integration trade-offs
Jan Willem Duyvendak

Ethnic minority migrants in Britain and France: integration trade-offs
Rosemarie Sackmann

Response to reviews of Ethnic minority migrants in Britain and France: integration trade-offs
Rahsaan Maxwell

The children of immigrants at school: a comparative look at Integration in the United States and Western Europe
Vivian Louie

The children of immigrants at school. A comparative look at integration in the United States and Western Europe
Rosita Fibbi

Shaping immigration news: a French-American comparison
Minelle Mahtani

Shaping immigration news: a French-American comparison
Rahsaan Maxwell

Response to reviews of Shaping immigration news: a French-American comparison
Rodney Benson

Frontiers of fear: immigration and insecurity in the United States and Europe
Didier Bigo

Frontiers of fear: immigration and insecurity in the United States and Europe
Josiah Heyman

Frontiers of fear – immigration and insecurity in the United States and Europe
Francesco Ragazzi

Response to reviews of Frontiers of fear – immigration and insecurity in the United States and Europe
Ariane Chebel d'Appollonia

Issues 5


Detecting social changes in times of superdiversity: an ethnographic linguistic landscape analysis of Ostend in Belgium
Ico Maly

Suspect community or suspect category? The impact of counter-terrorism as ‘policed multiculturalism’
Francesco Ragazzi

When the state takes over: civic integration programmes and the role of cities in immigrant integration
Dirk Gebhardt

Imagining mobility: the prospective cognition question in migration research
Saara Koikkalainen & David Kyle

Love thy neighbour? Exploring prejudice against ethnic minority groups in a divided society: the case of Northern Ireland
Rebecca McKee

Back to Brit: retired British migrants returning from Spain
Jordi Giner-Monfort, Kelly Hall & Charles Betty

Retirement migration and transnationalism in northern Mexico
Raúl Lardiés-Bosque, Jennifer C. Guillén & Verónica Montes-de-Oca

Educational performance of children of migrant parents in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola
Victor Cebotari & Valentina Mazzucato

Modes of engagement of immigrants with their home societies: types and measurements of engagement
Yolanda González-Rábago & Cristina Blanco

Issues 6

Migrant cities: place, power, and voice in the era of super diversity


Migrant cities: place, power, and voice in the era of super diversity
Walter J. Nicholls & Justus Uitermark

Class, migrants, and the European city: spatial impacts of structural changes in early twenty-first century Amsterdam
Wouter van Gent & Sako Musterd

Super-diverse migrants—similar trajectories? Ghanaian entrepreneurship in the Netherlands seen from a Mixed Embeddedness perspective
Robert C. Kloosterman, Katja Rusinovic & David Yeboah

Beggaring belonging in Africa's no-man's lands: diversity, usufruct and the ethics of accommodation
Loren B. Landau & Iriann Freemantle

Still ‘migrants’ after all those years: foundational mobilities, temporal frames and emplacement of migrants
Ayse Çağlar

Policing immigrant communities: Latino perceptions of police involvement in immigration enforcement
Nik Theodore & Robert Habans

Cities and the politics of immigrant integration: a comparison of Berlin, Amsterdam, New York City, and San Francisco
Els de Graauw & Floris Vermeulen

Pakistani immigrant organisational spaces in Toronto and New York City
Ali R. Chaudhary & Luis Eduardo Guarnizo

The networked grassroots. How radicals outflanked reformists in the United States’ immigrant rights movement
Walter J. Nicholls, Justus Uitermark & Sander van Haperen

Issues 7


Europe's failed ‘fight’ against irregular migration: ethnographic notes on a counterproductive industry
Ruben Andersson

The role of corruption in reintegration: experiences of Iraqi Kurds upon return from Europe
Erlend Paasche

Return migration as a ‘family project’: exploring the relationship between family life and the readjustment experiences of highly skilled Austrians
Stefanie Konzett-Smoliner

Ethnic discrimination in hiring decisions: a meta-analysis of correspondence tests 1990–2015
Eva Zschirnt & Didier Ruedin

The myth of transit: the making of a life by asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia
Robyn C. Sampson, Sandra M. Gifford & Savitri Taylor

How the host nation's boundary drawing affects immigrants’ belonging
Kristina Bakkær Simonsen

Transnational patterns among Asian American and Latina/o American children of immigrants from Southern California
Monica M. Trieu, Nicholas Vargas & Roberto G. Gonzales

Living in mobility: trajectories of Brazilians in Belgium and the UK
Mieke Schrooten, Noel B. Salazar & Gustavo Dias

Shehri (city) brides between Indian Punjab and the UK: transnational hypergamy, Sikh women's agency and gendered geographies of power
Kaveri Qureshi

Issues 8

Friends or Foes? Migrants and sub-state nationalists in Europe


Friends or foes? Migrants and sub-state nationalists in Europe
Sanjay Jeram, Arno van der Zwet & Verena Wisthaler

To see ourselves as others see us: identity and attitudes towards immigration amongst civic nationalists
Arno van der Zwet

Looking forward into the past: Partido Nacionalista Vasco and the immigrant question in the Basque Country
Sanjay Jeram

South Tyrol: the importance of boundaries for immigrant integration
Verena Wisthaler

Nationalist parties and immigration in Flanders: from Volksunie to Spirit and N-VA
Ilke Adam & Kris Deschouwer

Selfishness of the affluent? stateless nationalist and regionalist parties and immigration
Núria Franco-Guillén

Trust among recent immigrants in Canada: levels, roots and implications for immigrant integration
Antoine Bilodeau & Stephen White

French cultural wars: public discourses on multiculturalism in France (1995–2013)
Paul May

‘No more Turkish music!’ The acculturation strategies of teachers and ethnic minority students in Flemish schools
Lore Van Praag, Peter A.J. Stevens & Mieke Van Houtte

Blacklisting as a modality of deportability: Mexico's response to circular migrant agricultural workers' pursuit of collective bargaining rights in British Columbia, Canada
Leah F. Vosko

‘I think I'm more free with them'—Conflict, Negotiation and Change in Intergenerational Relations in African Families Living in Britain
Joanne Cook & Louise Waite

Issues 9


Statelessness in a world of nation-states: the cases of Kurdish diasporas in Sweden and the UK
Barzoo Eliassi

Organisational legitimacy beyond ethnicity? Shifting organisational logics in the struggle for immigrant rights in Los Angeles
Davide Gnes

Shame and pride in second-generation German identity in Melbourne, Australia: emotions and white ethnicity
Cathrin Vesna Anderson

Cross-border mobility, transnationality and ethnicity as resources: european Somalis’ post-migration mobility practices
Joëlle Moret

The ethnic composition of schools and students’ problem behaviour in four European countries: the role of friends
Sara Geven, Matthijs Kalmijn & Frank van Tubergen

Towards the unmaking of the French mainstream: the empirical turn in immigrant assimilation and the making of Frenchness
Sandrine Bertaux

But do they speak it? The intergenerational transmission of home-country language in migrant families in France
Thomas Soehl

The Janus-faced court of naturalisation: marriage and kinship in naturalisation litigation in South Korea
Nora Hui-Jung Kim

Adult mortality among the descendants of immigrants in England and Wales: does a migrant mortality advantage persist beyond the first generation?
Matthew Wallace

Issues 10

The Global Economic Crisis and Migration


The global economic crisis as a critical juncture? The crisis’s impact on migration movements and policies in Europe and the U.S.
Christof Roos & Natascha Zaun


Circumventing deadlock through venue-shopping: why there is more than just talk in US immigration politics in times of economic crisis
Natascha Zaun, Christof Roos & Fabian Gülzau

The crisis as an opportunity for change? High-skilled immigration policies across Europe
Lucie Cerna

Negotiating varieties of capitalism? Crisis and change in contemporary British and German labour migration policies
Regine Paul

Migration policy reforms in the context of economic and political crises: the case of Belgium
Sonia Gsir, Jean-Michel Lafleur & Mikolaj Stanek

Citizenship in the shadow of the Euro crisis: explaining changing patterns in naturalisation among intra-EU migrants
John Graeber

Mobilities in the crisis and post-crisis times: migration strategies of Poles on the EU labour market
Anna Janicka & Paweł Kaczmarczyk

The economic crisis as a driver of cross-border labour mobility? A multi-method perspective on the case of the Central European Region
Laura Wiesböck, Roland Verwiebe, Christoph Reinprecht & Raimund Haindorfer

Issues 11


In the wake of radical right electoral success: a cross-country comparative study of anti-immigration attitudes over time
Andrea Bohman & Mikael Hjerm

Immigration-related political culture and support for radical right parties
Robert Baur, Eva G. T. Green & Marc Helbling

East-European immigrants responding to the recession in Britain: is there a trade-off between unemployment and over-qualification?
Nabil Khattab & Jon Fox

International migration and the rise of the ‘civil’ nation
Marco Antonsich

Historicity and citizenship as conditions for national minority rights in Central Europe: old principles in a new migration context
Marián Sloboda

Occupational aspirations and ethnic school segregation: social contagion effects among native German and immigrant youths
Alexandra Wicht

What an ethnic lens can conceal: the emergence of a shared racialised identity position among young descendants of migrants in Sweden
Ann Runfors

Acculturating into the Canadian society: a case of Karen refugees
Secil E. Ertorer

When Catholics turn right: the effects of the Islamic terrorism threat on the fragmented Catholic Italian voters
Matteo Vergani & Enrico Maria Tacchi

Issues 12


Changing perceptions? Effects of multiple social categorisation on German population’s perception of Muslims
Coskun Canan & Naika Foroutan

National day participation among immigrants in the Netherlands: the role of familiarity with commemorating and celebrating
Manja Coopmans, Eva Jaspers & Marcel Lubbers

The Benefits of in-betweenness: return migration of second-generation Chinese American professionals to China
Leslie K. Wang

Transnational heritage migrants in Istanbul: second-generation Turk-American and Turk-German ‘Returnees’ in their parents’ homeland
Sherri Grasmuck & Annika Marlen Hinze

Loneliness, immigration background and self-identified ethnicity: a nationally representative study of adolescents in Denmark
Katrine Rich Madsen, Mogens Trab Damsgaard, Signe Smith Jervelund, Ulla Christensen, Gonneke G. W. J. M. Stevens, Sophie Walsh, Vibeke Koushede, Line Nielsen, Pernille Due & Bjørn E. Holstein

Who do migrant associations represent? The role of ‘ethnic deservingness’ and legal capital in migrants’ rights claims in Turkey
Zeynep Kaşlı

Moral or civic ties? Deservingness and engagement among undocumented Latinas in non-profit organisations
Melanie Jones Gast & Dina G. Okamoto

The transnational phase of Chinese organisational development in Australia
Jingjing Shen

Scientific justification of social policies: concepts of language and immigrant integration
Lucy Resnyansky

Knowing ‘how to go on’: structuration theory as an analytical prism in studies of intercultural engagement
Orla McGarry

Issues 13


Political and institutional determinants of immigration policies
Tarik Abou-Chadi

Pursuing the capabilities approach within the migration–development nexus
Kerry Preibisch, Warren Dodd & Yvonne Su

‘Everyday otherness’ – intercultural refugee encounters and everyday multiculturalism in a South Australian rural town
David Radford

Social remittances and intra-EU mobility: non-financial transfers between U.K. and Poland
Izabela Grabowska & Michal P. Garapich

Ukrainian and American identities as predictors of marital and parenting attitudes within the acculturating Ukrainian-American community
Christina Bobesky & Matthew Mulvaney

Feeling European: an exploration of ethnic disparities among immigrants
Céline Teney, Laurie Hanquinet & Katharina Bürkin

Past, present and future: how the Lithuanian Diaspora in the Netherlands accumulates human capital from social capital
Julie E. Ferguson, Egle Salominaite & Kees Boersma

The paradox of integration and isolation within immigrant organisations: the case of a Latin American Association in Israel
Deby Babis

Interethnic dating preferences of Roma and non-Roma secondary school students
László Lőrincz

Issues 14

Temporalities, Materialities and Connecting Locales:
Migration and Mobility in Asia-Pacific Cities


Temporalities, materialities and connecting locales: migration and mobility in Asia-Pacific cities
Shanthi Robertson & Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho

Student-workers and tourist-workers as urban labour: temporalities and identities in the Australian cosmopolitan city
Shanthi Robertson

Becoming cosmopolitan: encountering difference in a city of mobile labour
Amanda Wise

Labour and life in the global Asian city: the discrepant mobilities of migrant workers and English teachers in Seoul
Francis L. Collins

Everyday space, mobile subjects and place-based belonging in suburban Sydney
Rebecca Williamson

Vastu compliance: the gentrification of India’s sacred spaces and the mobilities of ideas
Thomas Birtchnell

Heritage corridors: transnational flows and the built environment of migration
Denis Byrne

Incongruent migration categorisations and competing citizenship claims: ‘return’ and hypermigration in transnational migration circuits
Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho

Student migration and polymedia: mainland Chinese students’ communication media use in Hong Kong
Yinni Peng

Professional remittances: how ageing returnees seek to contribute to the homeland
Ken Chih-Yan Sun

Identity construction through English language learning in intra-national migration: a study on Uyghur students in China
Xiaoyan Grace Guo & Mingyue Michelle Gu

Issues 15


Expatriate labour markets in rapidly globalising cities: reproducing the migrant division of labour in Abu Dhabi and Dubai
Michael C. Ewers & Ryan Dicce

‘I have to be very good in what I do’. Marginalisation and discrimination in the career-entry phase – experiences and coping strategies among university graduates with a migrant background in Austria
Roland Verwiebe, Lena Seewann, Margarita Wolf & Melek Hacioglu

Pushed to Africa: emigration and social change in China
Miriam Driessen

Activism of immigrants in vulnerable conditions and radical-left allies: a case study of Italy’s Struggle of the Crane
Teresa M. Cappiali

Ultranationalist discourses of exclusion: a comparison between the Hungarian Jobbik and the Greek Golden Dawn
Anna Kyriazi

Democratic centre, autocratic isolates: the changing field of international visa policies
Lena Laube & Richard Heidler

‘I was forced here’: perceptions of agency in second generation ‘return’ migration to Tonga
Helen Lee

Understanding recent internal migration of small cultural groups in England and Wales
Philip Sapiro

Social network development experiences of immigrants from Turkey to Canada
Guliz Akkaymak


Editorial Board

Volume 43, 2017

Issues 1


Note from Editor
Paul Statham

Keynote Lecture, 3rd SCMR-JEMS Conference, 2016

A cross-border perspective on migration: beyond the assimilation/transnationalism debate
Roger Waldinger


Bridging the territorial divide: immigrants’ cross-border communication and the spatial dynamics of their kin networks
Sung S. Park & Roger D. Waldinger

Syrian refugees in Turkey: pathways to precarity, differential inclusion, and negotiated citizenship rights
Feyzi Baban, Suzan Ilcan & Kim Rygiel

The public view of immigrant integration: multidimensional and consensual. Evidence from survey experiments in the UK and the Netherlands
Maria Sobolewska, Silvia Galandini & Laurence Lessard-Phillips

Do white voters support welfare policies targeted at ethnic minorities? Experimental evidence from Britain
Robert Ford & Anouk Kootstra

Liquid migration, grounded lives: considerations about future mobility and settlement among Polish and Spanish migrants in Norway
Susanne Bygnes & Marta Bivand Erdal

Debt, precarity and gender: male and female temporary labour migrants in Singapore
Maria Platt, Grace Baey, Brenda S. A. Yeoh, Choon Yen Khoo & Theodora Lam

Supporting the democratic political organisation of Muslim immigrants: the perspective of Muslims in the Netherlands and Germany
Maykel Verkuyten

List of Reviewers

Thank you to reviewers (2015–2016)


Issues 2

Ageing as a Migrant: Vulnerabilities, Agency and Policy Implications

Editor's introduction

Ageing as a migrant: vulnerabilities, agency and policy implications
Ruxandra Oana Ciobanu, Tineke Fokkema & Mihaela Nedelcu


Unpacking the ageing–migration nexus and challenging the vulnerability trope
Russell King, Aija Lulle, Dora Sampaio & Julie Vullnetari

The role of religion in protecting older Romanian migrants from loneliness
Ruxandra Oana Ciobanu & Tineke Fokkema

‘A totally new world has been opening up for me’ – experiences of older German migrants who are actively involved in the German-speaking community in Ottawa, Canada
Anke Patzelt

Social ties and embeddedness in old age: older Turkish labour migrants in Vienna
Monika Palmberger

Forms of care among native Swiss and older migrants from Southern Europe: a comparison
Claudio Bolzman & Giacomo Vagni

Older migrants in Luxembourg – care preferences for old age between family and professional services
Ute Karl, Anne Carolina Ramos & Boris Kühn

Growing old in exile – a longitudinal study of migrant women from Turkey
Anika Liversage & Gretty Mizrahi Mirdal

Cross-border mobility and long-distance communication as modes of care circulation: insights from the Peruvian ‘zero generation’
Vincent Horn

Transnational ageing and the ‘zero generation’: the role of Moroccan migrants’ parents in care circulation
Caroline Zickgraf

Issues 3


Different groups, different threats: public attitudes towards immigrants
Timothy Hellwig & Abdulkader Sinno

The social distance of Poles to other minorities: a study of four cities in Germany and Britain
Magdalena Nowicka & Łukasz Krzyżowski

Immigration, national identity and political trust in European democracies
Lauren McLaren

Cultural values, moral sentiments and the fashioning of gendered migrant identities
Linda Morrice

Practising transnational citizenship: dual nationality and simultaneous political involvement among emigrants
Andrea Schlenker, Joachim Blatter & Ieva Birka

From unproblematic to contentious: mosques in Poland
Kasia Narkowicz & Konrad Pędziwiatr

Queer asylum seekers: translating sexuality in Norway
Deniz Akin

The interplay of spatial diffusion and marital assimilation of Mexicans in the United States, 1980–2011
Christoph Spörlein, Ted Mouw & Ricardo Martinez-Schuldt

Senegalese migration to Spain: transnational mothering practices
Luna Vives & Iria Vazquez Silva

The Khachchara of Kathmandu – mobility, situatedness and ethnic identification
Winfried Ellingsen

‘The endless winter’: transnational mobilities of skilled snow sport workers
Holly Thorpe



Issues 4

Dynamic Integration Processes in Europe: Intra EU Mobility and International Migration in times of Recession


Complex and dynamic integration processes in Europe: intra EU mobility and international migration in times of recession
Hans-Jörg Trenz & Anna Triandafyllidou

Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland: differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success
Katarzyna Andrejuk

Je suis un Italien de Paris: Italian migrants’ incorporation in a European capital city
Hadrien Dubucs, Thomas Pfirsch, Ettore Recchi & Camille Schmoll

Strangers within? Russian-speakers’ migration from Latvia to London: a study in power geometry and intersectionality
Aija Lulle & Iveta Jurkane-Hobein

From diversity to conviviality: intra-EU mobility and international migration to Denmark in times of economic recession
Deniz Neriman Duru & Hans-Jörg Trenz

Networks beyond nationalities? Relationships amongst Eastern European women workers in Italy facing the economic crisis
Sabrina Marchetti

Drivers of highly skilled mobility from Southern Europe: escaping the crisis and emancipating oneself
Laura Bartolini, Ruby Gropas & Anna Triandafyllidou

Perceptions of diversity and attitudes of tolerance in the ‘fragmented’ U.K.
Deniz Neriman Duru, Laurie Hanquinet & Nazlı Sıla Cesur



Issues 5


Deaths at the borders database: evidence of deceased migrants’ bodies found along the southern external borders of the European Union
Tamara Last, Giorgia Mirto, Orçun Ulusoy, Ignacio Urquijo, Joke Harte, Nefeli Bami, Marta Pérez Pérez, Flor Macias Delgado, Amélie Tapella, Alexandra Michalaki, Eirini Michalitsi, Efi Latsoudi, Naya Tselepi, Marios Chatziprokopiou & Thomas Spijkerboer

The social quarantining of migrant labour: everyday effects of temporary foreign worker regulation in Canada
Mervyn Horgan & Saara Liinamaa

Palestinians and the Arab Uprisings: political activism and narratives of home, homeland, and home-camp
Nell Gabiam & Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh

Migration, gender and low-paid work: on migrant men’s entry dynamics into the feminised social care work in the UK
Shereen Hussein & Karen Christensen

Beyond the ballot box: age-at-arrival, civic institutions and political participation among Latinos
Van C. Tran

Being a desirable migrant: perception and racialisation of Icelandic migrants in Norway
Guðbjört Guðjónsdóttir & Kristín Loftsdóttir

Patterns of criminal threat in television news coverage of ethnic minorities in Flanders (2003–2013)
Laura Jacobs

Creating transregional collective nostalgia: the organising role of Catholic parishes among Louisiana migrants in Great Migration-era Los Angeles
Faustina M. DuCros

Navigating the city: internal migration of Oaxacan indigenous women
Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes

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